The Planetary Network-of-Light enters a new cycle
The Planetary Network-of-Light enters a new cycle. One of the hallmarks of the beginning of this new phase was the first meeting of the Coordinators of the Network-of-Light Groups with the Council of Permanent Guidance of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.
This moment of renewal, always oriented and impelled by the Divine Hierarchy, brings new guidelines for those who already integrate and for those who wish to integrate the Network-of-Light.
To deal with these topics, two sharings will be offered, given by Mother María Shimani de Montserrat. The sharings will take place on October 3 and 10, at 7 p.m. (Time of Brasília), especially directed to the Planetary Network-of-Light.
The sharings will be named and dedicated to the deepening of the “New Guidelines delivered by the Divinity to the Planetary Network-of-Light”.
New Guidelines for the Network-of-Light
The invitation to this renewal impels the Network-of-Light to convert into a “Fraternity of Light”, reaffirming and deepening its task, its life of selfless service, its unconditional surrender in behalf of the Kingdoms of Nature, of humanity and of the whole planet, in an untiring quest of the common good.
It is this Network-of-Light that, adapted to the new times and strengthened by the tests and by the faithfulness to its commitment with the Divinity, accepts the transformations, aspires to better days and manifests itself as those who do the impossible to live the Truth, respecting and loving the mission and the necessity that ar3e presented to them at each moment.
Seeds from Heaven
On this spring time may web e aligned with this call from the Hierarchy, so that we may respond to it readily, just as the earth that receives the seeds and cultivates them within it and, thus, we may participate in these Sharings with joy. They will be studies that will expand our understanding in order for us to cultivate within us these seeds from Heaven, which were offered to us with so much Love.
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Follow the announcements of the Planetary Nework-of-Light
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“Let the Fraternity of Light be the new Network-of-Light that throws its nets of Love to the world, to welcome humanity and alleviate it of its suffering and its agony”
(Message of the Virgin Mary, September 2018)
Publicado: 2/10/2018 – 10h29