All the videos, images, texts and any other material available in the electronic or physical media of the FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN FEDERATION (FIHF) and of the FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN MISSIONS (FIHM), as well as the respective channels on YouTube and other Social Networks, are their exclusive property, and every and all use is expressly prohibited, except in accordance with these terms, under penalty of applicable legal measures.
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The use of the videos, images, texts and any other material is allowed for non-commercial purposes, and its fair use must necessarily meet the following requirements:
I. They cannot include any type of advertisement, before, during or after the content;
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VII. They must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including ensuring that they are providing all necessary legal notifications to the people that use or view them.
The FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN FEDERATION (FIHF) and the FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN MISSIONS (FIHM) cannot be made responsible for the misuse of the content in question, whether in compliance or not with this policy. No link of what is being referenced necessarily reflects the opinion or vision of the FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN FEDERATION (FIHF) and the FRATERNITY – INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN MISSIONS (FIHM).
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