“Through little actions, sincere and full of God, the great stronghold that will sustain the world will be built”, said Saint Joseph on April 28, 2016,  in a  message transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, of the Grace Mercy Order. These words impelled several members of the Network-of-Light of São Paulo to being an activity to alleviate the everyday suffering of men and women that survive on the streets of São Paulo, this enormous city of concrete of 11 millions of inhabitants, in the Southeastern region of Brazil.

In this way a service of vegetarian lunch was born, which for a year has been offered by one of the 22 groups that integrate the Network-of-Light of São Paulo. “This first year passed without our noticing, with many tests and challenges that we have been able to overcome in group”, commented Moysés Tinoco, the coordinator of the group that assumed the task in May 2016.

He highlighted that during this period many collaborators joined, from different spiritual paths, who in communion have discovered through this offering what Saint Joseph warned in his message: “As you grow in fraternity and love, your service will radiate to other consciousnesses and will awaken in the hearts an interest to learn more deeply the roots that move you to serve with so much love. This example of true service will be a major healing for the souls and will truly help humanity”.

Moysés confirms the experience of this added value, saying that “the moment we serve this dish of soup we can feel we are also giving our heart, compassion, solidarity, the lack of judgment, the lack of criticism, and our acceptance of the brother or sister as they are, seeking to support their evolutionary task”.

“It is difficult to express in words this force that appears and creates conditions for the task to be fulfilled, for us to be able to feel all alike and to see in the assisted everything they can teach us with their mere presence”, complements Conceição Martins, the coordinator of another Network-of-Light group of São Paulo that also collaborates with this service, which weekly assists 150 street-dwellers.

“I feel there is a communion of purpose which creates among all collaborators a loving and fraternal relationship to bring to our brothers and sisters so many blessings that we receive from the Sacred Hearts”, confirms Iany Moreira, another weekly collaborator.

The food is elaborated at a restaurant, whose owner joined the service by offering its facilities and making their workers available for the preparation of the meal. At the beginning and at the end of the activity, the group thanks God for the opportunity of cooperation by means of a spiritual attunement.

Those interested in participating in this task of love can contact redeluzsaopaulo@fraterinternacional.org