When we walk through our gardens, patios, through the parks of the neighborhood, through any plant space that nature offers us and we find a flower, several feelings tend to rise up. A flower represents, radiates and activates many things in us, and connects us in a simple way with something higher and more subtle.

Gymnocalycium baldianum
Gymnocalycium baldianum

In one of his conferences, Trigueirinho (1931-2018) instructed us: “Flowers are very receptive. They are so receptive that if you love a flower and give a good feeling to a flower, it becomes impregnated with that feeling, and the flower transmits that feeling to any person that comes close to it. So a plant or a flower is sort of an intermediary.”

In the area where the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, an affiliate of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), is located in the hills of Cordoba, Argentina, the vegetation brings us a feeling of an air of fortitude and perseverance. And flowers have an important role in the expression of these attributes. The region was affected by terrible fires in August of 2020, and in spite of the environmental tragedy, it was possible to experience a great miracle.

Flor de pessegueiro
Flor de pessegueiro

Giselle, a resident of the Light-Community of the Brotherhood, tells us of her experience: “The help the Plant Kingdom provided after the fires was impressive. And it was the flowers, in a silent way, that brought a profound restoration to the burned areas. They filled everything with color, aromas, life, also attracting more life for the regeneration of the Kingdoms of Nature. That regeneration takes time, but they opened a path for healing so that this could happen.

With their capacity to be reborn, they knew how to avail themselves of the conditions, and in an almost miraculous way, they covered the burned ground with pink, lilac, light blue, and white colors, offering us their hope and joy in a harmonious and beautiful way.”


To find out a little more, we have listed some of the typical species of the mountainous region, “warrior” flowers; austere, delicate, strong and beautiful in their simplicity. Following are some of the most notable:

  • Rue, ruta graveolans
  • Zinnia, Peruvian zinnia
  • Acacia, acacia caven
  • Chilean paloverde, geoffrea decorticans
  • Passion flower, passiflora
  • Trapoeraba, commelina erecta
  • Cambará, eupatorium arnottianum
  • Albízia, sphaeralcea cordobencis
  • Moss roses, portulaca grandiflora
  • Gumweed, grindelia discoides
  • Morning glory, ipomea
  • Celosia, flourensia coolepis
  • Blue salvia, salvia gilliesii
  • Truffula, gomphrena pulchella
  • Evening primrose, oenothera odorata
  • Indian blanket, gaillardia megapotamica

The “zinnia” is one of the friendliest flowers that express themselves generously in these lands. Because it is a very undemanding plant, with simple and joyful flowers, it is present with us during several months of the year. It does not require care, needs little water, even growing among the stones and in places where other plants couldn’t grow.

Vinca Vinca
Vinca Vinca

The subtle medication made from this flower helps to calm the thoughts, to empty the mind. And in this way, radiating its simplicity, it helps to heal inner noise, to bring silence. As part of the silent service the Plant Kingdom offers, the flowers that express in the spaces where we live bring messages of healing for that which we need the most. In this way, they surprise us on our paths, they transcend distances and radiate us with their colors, aromas and harmonious forms, bringing subtle codes closer to our consciousnesses.