Comunidade-Luz da Irmandade

Light-Community of the Brotherhood

Córdoba, Argentina

The Brotherhood Light-Community, Cordoba (Argentina). In the Community there is the Brotherhood Monastery, connected with the Grace Mercy Order (GMO), and the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit.

Among the mountains of the region of the Quebrada de La Luna, where it is located, the Brotherhood Light-Community is based on fraternal group life and selfless service. All the activities carried out daily are shared among the volunteer collaborators.

The Brotherhood Light-Community is dedicated to the development of gardening, composting, and the cultivation of seeds, orchards and native trees.
Activities with the outside public have been suspended during the period of the pandemic.

To see a summary of the tasks of this community, click here.

Areas of experience: Selfless Service, Group Life, Care of the Kingdoms of Nature and Ecumenical and Spiritual Activities.
