The city of São Bento do Sul, in the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil, has received the events of the launch of the second edition of the book ‘Viver o Amor aos Cães’ (Living the Love for the Dogs), by Ana Regina Nogueira. The book tells the story of a group of volunteers that transform a slaughterhouse into a joyful kennel, a school of love.

caes_vac_sao_bento_sul2The events in the city began on May 9, when the authoress of the book gave an interview on the Radio 89 FM. Other communication vehicles also disseminated the work: a local newspaper published a report about the book and a magazine published an article about the event of launch.

On May 10, the public event of book launch took place in the Commercial and Industrial Association of São Bento do Sul (ACISBS), where about 90 people attended and so did a little female dog by the name of Theodora.
caes_vac_sao_bento_sul3Ana Regina Nogueira began the event autographing 44 books, while she was accompanied by a presentation of a violin player. Then one of the 42 stories of the second part of the book was told by a story teller, followed by the exhibition of an audiovisual, and then the authoress gave a lecture.

The dissemination and organization of the events in the city were done by the Network-of-Light of São Bento do Sul (composed by 2 members), the livraria Boulevard Bookstore and by the Associação Protetora dos Animais (APA – Protecting Animal Association)
‘It was the committed and altruistic people who attracted the exact number of souls to fit the seats in the hall, not one less, not one more’, said Sandra Brand, the coordinator of the Network-of-Light of São Bento do Sul.

caes_vac_sao_bento_sul1What specially drew the attention of the Network-of-Light groups present in the event was the spirit of collaboration of the people from the city, ‘the example of cooperation and fraternity manifested by the city of São Bento do Sul was unparalleled’, affirmed Flávia and Lúcia, the coordinator of the Network-of-Light of the South region.

Listen to the interview in the Radio 89 FM, here