With the expansion of the movements in humanitarian service, the Florianopolis Light-Network will begin a task of supporting the Casa de Acolhida ao Imigrante, recently created by the Serviço Pastoral dos Migrantes de Santa Catarina, in partnership with UNHCUR and Caritas Switzerland.
On November 19, the Light-Network group met with managers of the Casa de Acolhida to decide on a schedule for the service project. Preparations were already taking place before the arrival of the immigrants.
At the time, volunteers became acquainted with the new residents of the house, families of Venezuelan immigrants and helped to fulfill their needs.
It was initially agreed that the Light-Network would meet every Tuesday, to help prepare lunch and take care of the children so that their mothers can attend Portuguese classes. They will also help with some minor repairs and installations.
“When you think of missionary service, you get the idea that you have to go far away to do this type of work. However, the needs are everywhere, and the reality of immigration is already knocking on our door!”, comments Kristine Kneipp, a new member of the Light-Network who recently participated in a FFHI Fraternidade International Humanitarian Federation Fraternity Missionary Experience, in Carmo da Cachoeira – MG.
And she adds: “the one who says YES to the inner calling, calls himself for selfless service to others, thus setting himself up as an agent of the future planetary stage for peace among nations.”
According to the coordinator of the Casa de Acolhida ao Imigrante, Emanuelly Gestal, “the proposal is, that from this initial movement there will be greater integration among all, and small initiatives and projects may develop collectively.”
The Florianopolis Light-Network is studying the possibility of taking immigrants for a walk on the beach, where they can visit a lifeguard station and receive instructions on safety while swimming in the ocean.
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* By Arthur Luba, the Light-Network Florianópolis coordinator.