parque_francisco_assis_bbcThe World Update program of May 26, in its session ‘Soundscapes’, presented by Dan Damon, mentioned the work of accommodation of street dogs of the city of Lavras, Minas Gerais, Brazil, conducted by the Francis of Assisi Park, filliated to the Fraternidade– International Humanitarian Federation.

The information and the recording of the environment sound were sent by Valter Aguiar, journalist from the city of Curitiba, state of Paraná.

The BBC – British Broadcasting Corporation is a public broadcasting radio and TV company of the United Kingdom founded in 1922.

Read the transcription of the program:

Update Soundscapes. Our first emission, we think, from Brazil. Valter Aguiar is in Lavras, that’s in the state of Minas Gerais, and Valter has been in a shelter with hundreds of street dogs in this town.

He says the dogs were sick, hungry, abandoned, mistreated and now they have a better life as they wait for adoption. He says the shelter, ironically, is located in a former slaughterhouse. This is a place that used to kill animals and now it is being used to take care of them.

Hundreds – I could believe it, couldn’t you? – hundreds of street dogs in Lavras, in Brazil, in Minas Gerais. That’s fantastic. Update Soundscapes, send us yours.

Join us with more World Update tomorrow.

This is the World Service of BBC – the world radio station.



Listen to the original program in English, aqui