Last September 8, the regional coordinators of the Planetary Network-of-Light gathered at the Headquarters of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, in the town of Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The meeting, which took place on the first day of the General Meeting of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, had the objective of strengthening the union and renewing the vows of service among its members.

servico_rede_luz_planetaria_encontro_setembro1The meeting began in the morning and had the participation of 25 regional coordinators of the Planetary Network-of-Light, which is composed by 22 regions in 26 countries. Members from countries such as Venezuela, Argentina, Paraguay, Ecuador, regions of Europe and from nearly all states of Brazil were present.

Also nine nuns of the Grace Mercy Order, who actively help the works of the Planetary Network-of-Light, participated in the meeting, during which a presentation was done about “The Faces of Mary”, which told about passages of the life of the Virgin Mary on Earth.

servico_rede_luz_planetaria_encontro_setembro3“We have as honored guest the pilgrim of Aparecida, who for a recent petition of Mary has started a pilgrimage around Brazil and has arrived here in Figueira and will give continuity in another state next week”, said Amarista, one of the general coordinators of the Planetary Network-of-Light.

“The purpose of this meeting is the union and the renewal of vows and the strengthening of our task of carrying out the Network-of-Light. We are inside the General Meeting that will bring the teaching, the new steps and impulses. It is much more linked to our inner beings as servers of the Network-of-Light”, said Nadjana, also a coordinator of the Planetary Network-of-Light.
