Network-of-Light of Rio de Janeiro leaves its mark in the Community-of-Light of the New Earth
The Network-of-Light of Rio de Janeiro follows a weekly rhythm in its visits to the Community-of-Light, located in ...
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The Network-of-Light of Rio de Janeiro follows a weekly rhythm in its visits to the Community-of-Light, located in ...
Community-of-Light New Earth, affiliated to the Fraternidade - International Humanitarian Federation and located in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, ...
Between December 9 and 11, the Community-of-Light of the New Earth, located in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, held ...
The Community-of-Light of the New Earth and the Sanctuary of the Kingdoms, located in Teresópolis, Rio de Janeiro, ...
In this month of May, Trigueirinho begins a new series of lectures with the theme Kingoms of Nature. ...
Earth Day was created on April 22, 1970, in the United States, for the purpose of the world ...
What can we do to treat and use water – that vital substance, still so wasted and disrespected ...
September 15, 2018, marked the passing of José Trigueirinho Netto to other planes of consciousness; meanwhile, his life continues to ...