The Network-of-Light group of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, participated in the activities of the “World Play Week” that were carried out in their city, in the State of Minas Gerais, in the annual event organized by the Alliance for Childhood, which happened this year from May 21 to 28.

The members of Planetary Network-of-Light coordinated two events: the “Ludic Circuit” and the workshop “Kingdoms of Nature”. In the first event, developed on May 25, about 30 minors participated, between 7 and 15 years old, from the Don Orione Professional Institute, the place where the activities were developed. There was bag race, marble ball, jumping rope and elastic play, play top and barangandã. The children also had the opportunity to access chidren´s books in the Corner of Reading.

“It was the second ludic meeting we organized with children and adolescents from Don Orione and we realized that a positive bond is being built between both parties. In these activities, we try to promote values such as mutual respect, cooperation and, above all, fraternity”, said Ademiro, one of the participants of the Network-of-Light group of Juiz de Fora. The group is already in a regular contact with Don Orione Professional Institute since last year, through a weekly volunteer service.

Loving the Kingdoms

The workshop “Kingdoms of Nature” was held on Sunday morning, May 28,  on the campus of the Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF). It consisted of an exhibition of seeds, many of them donated by the Community-of-Light of Figueira, and it was supported by photos of illustration. The space also offered the opportunity to sow or take home seedlings and seeds to cultivate. The seedlings were delivered in recycled containers and harmoniously adorned with little stones, shells and other natural elements, to show a way to using what was usually discarded. At the place, about 80 seedlings and seeds were sown.

“Our objective was to provide, in a ludic way, the observation of seeds and the learning of their cultivation, through a small act of sowing by children themselves, in the company of their families, seeking to encourage a more loving relationship between all Kingdoms of Nature”, commented Margarita di Filippo, the coordinator of the Network-of-Light group of Juiz de Fora. “It was very gratifying to see so many children interested in the proposal, it really was something very special”, added.

The “World Play Week”, an initiative of the Alliance for Childhood, has been celebrated since 2009 in several cities in Brazil and around the word. The Network-of-Light group of Juiz de Fora has participated since 2014.

The Alliance for Childhood is a movement that works in a network with its nuclei and with organized civil society, with the aim of sensitizing, mobilizing and articulating efforts around causes related to childhood. It has been present in Juiz de Fora since 2007.