meeting of evaluation and closure

Another Missionary Experience organized by the Missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, has ended, in the town of Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The monthly activity took place from Sunday, July 24, thru Saturday, July 30, and gathered 12 volunteers coming from several cities, which added to the 14 members of the permanent team of Missionaries. The participants expressed their gratitude for the opportunities of service they found. “The experience ‘resizes’ you, because your problems become so small when you get to know other realities, they are very intense impulses to see your neighbor with other eyes, to serve”, commented Rafael Gama Corbeta, from Fortaleza, Ceará, during the evaluation gathering carried out on Saturday at night in Vida Criativa, an area of lodging of the Community-of-Light of Figueira.

House for elderly people

Mara Fazio, from São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, expressed herself in a similar way: “It is difficult to manifest in words what you feel after so many moments of fraternal love, of solidary hugs, of feeling in the look of this elderly lady her grateful heart for our simply having gone towards her to share some instants; of being able to return to childhood provoking smiles and joy in orphan children, in such a simple way as in their games. In the face of these opportunities, we can only say with the whole of our heart: “Thank you, Saint Joseph, thank you, Mary, thank you, Jesus, for all you give us”, summarized the volunteer.

Branca Teresa Costa Freire, from Coqueiral, Minas Gerais, shared the circumstances she had to undergo to finally be able to participate in the Missionary Experience. “I have wanted to come and participate so many times; but I never could, for one reason or another and it never happened and this time it seemed again it would not be possible, but I decided to call and tell them my case, that I wanted to participate, but that I could not stay the whole week. To my surprise ,they said yes. I was seized by great joy, I arrived and they received me so well, I learned so much, that I can only be immensely grateful”, revealed the volunteer. “I want to serve, I want to help Mary. This group that we compose has taught me a lot about unity, about fraternity and for all this I am very grateful”, she concluded.


House of Hosting

“The example of complete donation that you give – remarked Rafael in another moment, referring to the work of the Missionaries – inspires us a lot, this is very good. Both in the House of Hosting and in the Home of Betesda, we received very strong impulses”.

The participants in the Missionary Experience of the month of July offered assistance to homeless people (House of Hosting), to children of an orphanage (Nepomuceno), to elderly people who live in homes carefully adapted to them (Nepomuceno and Carmo da Cachoeira), to people who seek to get rid of their dependence to drugs and alcohol (Varginha), as well as to poor women and families (Carmo da Cachoeira). They also participated in tasks of improving the installations of the Marian Center of Figueira and tasks of support to the Kingdoms of Nature (harmonization of the Park of the Kingdoms of the House of Light on the Hill and services in the orchard of the Nucleus of the Sacred Heart, a sector of the Community-of-Light of Figueira). Another place of service was the Hut of Saint Joseph, where they gave support to the harmonization and organization of the place of distribution of donations.