A fraternal world is only possible through an urgent union with the Mineral, Plant & Animal Kingdoms

At this stage of humanity and of planet Earth, it should not be necessary to reaffirm that the human being completely depends on the integrity of the Plant, Mineral, and Animal Kingdoms. The consequences of thoughtless actions demonstrate this to us in practice on a daily basis.

We are experiencing a climate crisis caused by uncontrolled emissions of polluting gases that are driven by humanity’s illusory search for consuming material goods.

A report put together by specialized scientists of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and released at the United Nations Summit for Climate Action, showed that the deterioration of the glaciers and the resulting increase in  the ocean levels and extreme climactic events are responsible for the record increase in global temperatures over the last few years with widespread heatwaves, fires, tropical cyclones, floods and droughts mainly affecting  the most vulnerable populations of humanity.

In the interior of the Amazon, traditional peoples are already suffering the consequences of extreme climates that make it impossible for them to maintain the agricultural crops on which they survive. In 2020, the southeastern region of Brazil suffered a series of floods that led to landslides and deaths in large urban centers of the country.


The Cause

According to a report on the impact of land use on food production and climate, prepared by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an organization of the United Nations (UN), agriculture and other types of intensive land use already accounts for almost ¼ of human emissions of greenhouse gases.

These activities demand the deforestation of large green areas for pasture that worsen the methane emissions: one of the gases that most contribute to the greenhouse effect.

The report points out that human activities affect more than 70% of the entire land surface not covered by ice and around ¼ is subject to degradation. The document attests that 500 million people already live in areas that experienced a process of deforestation between 1980 and the 2000s.

Hundreds of species of animals and plants became extinct and thousands more are at risk. Water, very necessary for life on Earth, is being degraded and polluted from the headwaters of rivers to the oceans.

The Necessary Response

‘There is only one Life, a single Being

To those beings integrated in that Life

You will be every Living Creature

You will be Life in each form

You will be the Sublime Inner Voice’

(The Breath of Spirit, song of Trigueirinho)

Researchers have shown that sustainable agriculture and new ways of using the soil are the main viable alternative for guaranteeing the food security of a growing humanity as well as for limiting the emissions of gases.

In alignment with that, it has also been shown that it is urgent that we reflect upon our relationship with all the kingdoms of nature.

The spiritual philosopher and one of the founders of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), José Trigueirinho Netto, made us aware of the need for observing and learning from the Kingdoms, recognizing not only the material tasks of each, but also their subtle ones.

Plants teach and uplift us in cooperative and contemplative work. Animals are symbols of loyalty and unconditional love, and the Mineral Kingdom is responsible for the energetic maintenance of the world.

A Kingdom, said Trigueirinho, is a sort of organ in the body of manifestation of a Logos. “It has precise functions and goals that interrelate with the rest of the Kingdoms, complementing each other.”

On a path that seeks to absorb those principles, the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) carries out selfless service in the harmonious integration of the Kingdoms.

In Carmo da Cachoeira and Lavras, in Minas Gerais, missionaries rescue, treat and give a temporary home to hundreds of street dogs and cats.

The missions for the preservation of the environment of the plant kingdom includes planting tree seedlings, conservation activities, restoring trees, preserving plant cover, fighting fires in green areas and building firebreaks.

“In the face of the current chaotic state of the planet, the human being is receiving impulses to transform their egotistical desire into group love, love of others, of humanity. In a more advanced stage, they will transform that love into a love for God, for the One. In this way, they will begin to act, to feel and to think in glory of the One Life,” wrote Trigueirinho.


New Brotherhood

For over 30 years, a family home in the city of Limeira, in the State of São Paulo, was filled with street dogs and cats.

Lacking the capacity to house more animals, 11 years ago the New Brotherhood Nucleus took shape, today the home of around 350 animals, among them, dogs, cats, chickens, pigs, oxen, a horse, a donkey, a turtle, a tortoise, ducks, birds, and sheep.

They are cared for by the 24 people of the farm, who are having a practical experience of a new way of living together. “They are not here as in a temporary home; they live with us and each one knows who their handler is. They all have names. This is their home,” explains Winnie Leite, founder of the place.

It is the animals’ right to live in a free and healthy way, like we do. In the nucleus, human beings are daily witnesses to the expressions of love, awareness and intelligence of the Animal Kingdom.

Bernadete, the cow, for example, died of old age not long ago, but before that happened, she met with her three offspring. “We see them manifesting the concept of family, of union, like us,” Winnie tells us.

Winnie corroborates what has already been attested to by Capra and was taught by Trigueirinho: the Kingdoms are not at our service, but complement each other.

The Mineral and Plant Kingdoms are also a part of the work of the nucleus, which has areas of reforestation and of agroforestry. “They are here to live in symbiosis with us. The gratitude we feel is infinite. To wake up every day and be able to be in contact with so many brothers and sisters, to hear all the sounds of nature, for us means we are closer to God.”


Assistance to Brumadinho

The effects of the day on January 25 in 2019 will still be felt over the next few years in the region of Brumadinho, in Minas Gerais. After the breaking of the dam that caused a sea of toxic mud to permeate rivers, forests and houses, life has become different: it is a search for a continuing to live.

From the beginning, volunteers of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF) participated in the activities of rescue and support for the beings impacted by the disaster.

“Throughout 2019, we continued to support the populations through the direct care of 35 families, which we visit monthly, providing psychological services,” explains Mariandja, missionary of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF).

There are 15 missionaries involved in each monthly service, which includes the animal life, with support in the logistics of receiving food and medications, supporting the veterinarians, baths, and walks at the Campanha da Vale Hospital, in the city of Brumadinho, and at the Fazenda da Vale, which receives large animals, besides the domestic and wild animals.

Mariandja also remembers the suffering of the Mineral and Plant Kingdoms in the area. “There were agricultural families farming there, but the soil was contaminated, the water was contaminated, the trees are suffering also. On one of the missions, we witnessed a great fire. The Kingdoms in Brumadinho are asking for help,” she concludes.