In the past, not long ago, health was defined as the absence of illnesses, mainly the absence of physical discomfort, not taking into account dysfunctions caused by emotions, thoughts, and unbalanced psychic states.

With the expansion of the human consciousness, the concept of health has been constructed in a more assertive way with a more holistic approach.

Dia da Saúde

Attunement with the vibration of stones and crystals

Besides the concepts and definitions, on this 7th of April, in which the International Day of Health is celebrated, it is worth emphasizing that the application of integrative therapies, which complement conventional treatments, also promotes significant changes in health-related issues.

Maria Ori, collaborating therapist of the Light-Community of Figueira, among many others, cites some treatments considered integrative, such as “phytotherapy, therapy with stones and crystals, Eastern medicine, Ayurvedic, yoga, acupuncture, prayer, meditation.”

Dia da Saúde

Phytotherapy: treatment with medicinal plants

Concerning prayer, allopathic traditional medicine has formed research teams in hospitals that are dedicated to the study and analysis of cases related to the power of faith and prayer for the treatment and cure of the patient. Following this same line, there are renown medical universities in the capital of São Paulo with regulated training courses for facilitators to lead meditations focused on health.

Among the integrative therapies cited, also highlighted was the value of acupuncture. In the words of Maria Ori: “acupuncture originated in China more than 5,000 years ago, and today it is quite widespread throughout the West. With this technique, the therapist harmonizes the energies of the person through the energy meridians that permeate their body.”

One can recall also that, not long ago, acupuncture was the target of prejudice in the traditional medical environment and today has proven its effectiveness, being accepted and applied as a complementary treatment in numerous pathologies. From inflammatory and orthopedic issues, through hormonal and vital organ regulation, even including generalized emotional imbalances.

Also within the concept of integrative therapies, another approach used by Maria Ori in her client services, is the food orientation. She explains that “when a person chooses a food that nourishes their organism, and doesn’t just eat to satisfy their desires or gain pleasure, they perceive a great difference in the quality of their health, including an increase in their immunity.”

Dia da Saúde

Training on integrative therapies in the Light-Community Fraternity of Aurora

The therapist relates various natural foods to the power to nurture the organism and strengthen the immune system, such as raw vegetables, saffron, ginger and the herbal black-sage tea. Specifically about immunity, she adds: “approaching this issue from a spiritual angle, it is known, through the instruction of José Trigueirinho Netto, that immunity has a lot to do with the level of consciousness; we must always raise our mental and spiritual vibration.”

In this sense, and mostly, integrative therapies count on a relevant resource: that of emphasizing the importance of the human being seeking that state of balance, homeostasis, not only through submitting to medications, but also as a participant in one’s own process of healing and maintaining health.

The term homeostasis, originating in philosophy, began to also be used more recently in psychology to define a state of self-regulation inherent to the body, which automatically seeks a balance when facing the challenges imposed by the environment to which it is subject.

Considering the entirety and the complexity of the human being, which is far greater than the sum of the physical parts of the body, the therapist Maria Ori makes us aware that “in order to be healthy, it is necessary to keep our mind and thoughts at the highest energetic vibration, so that the organs, the cells, the atoms, the molecules, and all the components of the organism are able to radiate light and harmony.”