Humanitarian Roraima Mission of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, organized, together with collaborators and adult refugees, in different shelters located in two cities of the state, the festivities of the Children’s Day, a special date that is celebrated on October 12 in Brazil.
The activities developed in different days in the shelters where the Federation is present: on October 10 in the Indigenous refuge of Janokoida (in the town of Pacaraima, Roraima, Brazil); on October 12, it took place in the Indigenous refuge of Pintolandia and in the House of Welcome (both in the city of Boa Vista, Roraima, Brazil); on October 13, it took place in the refuge of Nova Canaã, Boa Vista.
Besides the Children’s Day, also the Day of Our Lady Aparecida (patroness of Brazil, in the Catholic calendar) and the Day of Indigenous Resistance (a date that in Venezuela is celebrated on October 12).
In the four places of the festivities, there were special decoration and distribution of toys and goodies. Likewise, child painting workshops were offered and the children played with numerous games.
The playful, educational and sports activities had the purpose of facilitating to the refugee children moments of homage and fun.
Indigenous Shelters
In the Indigenous shelters, the schedule began singing the Venezuelan National Anthem in Warao and Spanish and the Brazilian National Anthem. Also the Indigenous Warao people introduced characteristics of their culture, customs and folklore.
In the shelter of Pacaraima, the Indigenous babies newly born in the refuges of Brazil were remembered in a special manner. The activities were conducted by the Venezuelan teacher Israel Arintero Nuñez, who coordinates the Warao teachers. He presented each activity and then had each responsible teacher speak.
In the place were presented dramatized tales and tales with music, choreography, dances and songs of the Venezuelan folklore, besides dances and songs of the Indigenous Warao tradition. Children, youths and adults participated. The Pastoral of the Children of the local parish joined in a special way. The children gave their own note, singing the song: “Cor Esperança” (Hope Color).
In the refuge of Pintolandia, there were also representations of popular tales, dances and songs of the Venezuelan folklore, dances and songs of the Warao and Eñappa Indigenous traditions and the celebrated intervention of Gricelia, a refugee, who interpreted Venezuelan songs, topping off the festivities. In this place, members of the Methodist Churcch collaborated.
Venezuelan artisans
In Nova Canaan, a shelter of migrant families, there was an active participation of the Venezuelan teachers. In the place the program included the presentation of tales, poetry and choreographies, and had the collaboration of representatives of UNICEF (United Nations Children Funds), of the Salvation Army, of the organization “Pelota de Media” (“Socks Ball”) and of the motorcycle club “Los Buitres”.
Venezuelan artisans with refuge in the shelter Tancredo Neves collaborated with the feasts, elaborating beautiful artisan toys, which were given to children.