Volunteers of the House Light on the Hill and monks of the Grace Mercy Order, both of the Fraternity – International Humanitarian Federation, visited on the last November 3 some families in the town of São Bento Abade, Minas Gerais, Brazil.The group uses to pay home visits to the families of the region.


On this day one of the houses visited was of N.A.F., a resident who more than three years ago started to suffer various health problems caused by multiple sclerosis. N. Lost her sight and the movement of a great part of her body.

The visits to N.’s house have been taking place for two years and always include a good conversation, chants and prayers. With the passing of time, N. learned to practice prayer and to know herself more and more. “I watched the ‘Eternal Father Program’, and saw that I had to forgive many things in my life. Today even my nourishment is prayer”, she says.

visita_domiciliar_SBAbade3Moving around other districts of the town, the group says hello to known faces and is received in the houses of several families. Sometimes the offer the group makes comes in the form of food or clothes, other times a talk or a prayer together with the whole family. the work of home visit in São Bento Abade is has been active for three years, done by the House Light on the Hill, and led to the creation of some groups of prayer that gather several families. “Besides giving certain material assistance, the work in general is more on the spiritual side”, says Miriam Galvão, a volunteer from the House Light on the Hill.