“In an authentic donation, there is not the one who gives nor the one who receives: both are aware they are mere depositaries of what is does not belong to anyone in particular, but to the Whole” (entry: donation, in Esoteric Lexicon (Glossário Esotérico) by José Trigueirinho Netto, 6th edition, São Paulo: Pensamento, 2004, p. 121-122.

Following the flow of donations, Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), donated, in the second half of August, about one ton of paper, including cardboard, kraft paper, photographic paper and silk paper. The material had origin in an entity from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais.

The distribution was conducted by missionaries of Fraternidade, together with two volunteers from the town of Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais. The material was distributed to 34 entities: 13 schools and other 21 institutions, including nine associations affiliated to Fraternidade.

“It is also a movement of union with the Kingdoms, because the paper will be used by children, who will give continuity to the donation that these trees made for them to exist”, expressed Luzia Serdano, the coordinator of the Permanent Mission in Carmo da Cachoeira.

According to Angelina Saone, who participated in the activity of distribution of paper, “The receptivity of the entities was espontaneous, full of much gratitude. Some were without funds and in urgent need. The task was carried out with much love and surrender to the Plan”.

Maria Luíza Capeli, a collaborator of the House of Light on the Hill, an association affiliated with Fraternidade, commented with a lot of joy when she received the donation of kraft paper: “Yesterday I was requested to purchase precisely this paper and I did not do it for some reason I do not remember, and now I was going to get the car to go buy it, and I find the paper we needed, in an infinitely greater amount.