Ana Regina Nogueira, the author of “Viver o  Amor aos Cães” (Living Love for Dogs” and “Por Que Ninguém Me Disse Isso Antes? – Segredos de gente, bichos, plantas e pedras” (Why Didn’t Anybody Tell Me This Before? – Secrets of people, animals, plants and rocks) presents her third book “Ensolarar Vidas” (Putting lives under the sun”) on Saturday, July 1. The launch will be in the city of São Lourenço, Minas Gerais, Brazil, beginning at 4 p.m., during the First Meeting of Animals Protectors from the South of Minas, which will take place in the school Imaculado Coração de Maria (Rua Coronel José Justino, 532, Centro).

Published by Irdin Editora

The work, published by Irdin Editora, intends to show the example of a couple who, at a certain moment of their existence, decide to consecrate themselves completely to the care for the Kingdoms of Nature, abandoning the live they had been living in Belo Horizonte. “The book intends to become an invitation to serve God through the Kingdoms”, informs Ana Regina.

“This is a book by two authors: the one who wrote it and the look of the animals photographed in it. These looks confirm that the Animal Kingdom continues to be a mystery for the human being, because we still do not know how to distinguish when there is a seed of Soul in one of these ‘minor brothers and sisters’”, states in the introduction of the text the spiritual philosopher José Trigueirinho.

Sector of Kingdoms in the Community-of-Light of Figueira

The essay reports the experience of Mene and Hayla as responsible for the Sector of Kingdoms in the Community-of-Light of Figueira and in its extension, the House of Light on the Hill, through the Ranch of the Kingdoms, the Lands of the “Unidade” (Unity) and the House of Hope, all affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation.

In these  places, true Arks of Noah in the critical current times, the main characters, with the help of several collaborators, dedicate their lives to rescueing and alleviating the suffering of Thousand of animals and plants. All are welcome by the couple as “sons”, and “daughters”.

The book with 220 pages and 130 colorful fotos was written in four months. “During its process of gestation, I felt totally accompanied and guided”, says the author.

They are 42 brief chapters, among which: “Orchards, shrines for the birds”, “The devas and the pluning”, “A rural garde”, “Coffee, a frustrated plant, and woods in extinction”, “Dialog of people about snakes and lizzards, frogs, tree frogs, birds, plants and euthanasia”, “Nasua, something of them in us”, “Wood-pecker, to be the mother and father of all”, “A home for animal souls” and “Lives exposed to the sun”.

The author received the inspiration for the title “Ensolarar Vidas” (Putting lives under the sun”) during an Apparition of the Virgin Mary to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón, of the Grace Mercy Order. “I consider it reflects the essence of the material: a story of love for Life, a story of people who, with enlightened hands and hearts, share a piece of sun and hope with each being they find on their paths, whether members of humanity or of the Kingdoms of Nature”, concludes Ana Regina.