The team of the 22nd Mission of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Missions followed the routine of the Santa Isabel Children’s Charity (OCSI), located in Luanda, capital of Angola, for several days. Created by Sister Domingas, the entity manages an orphanage that currently cares for 120 children and adolescents up to 18 years old, where the Fraternidade has concentrated humanitarian aid brought to OCSI.

In the Casa da Criança (Children’s House), name of the orphanage, all are treated as children by Sister Domingas, who from a very young age dedicates her life to caring for needy children and orphans of the populous outskirts of Luanda, focusing the work of OCSI especially in education; more than 24,000 have benefited since the founding, in 2002.

Sister Domingas’ care has been fundamental for children and adolescents to overcome their difficult life histories. All the love and dedication they receive are passed on to those who approach them, in the same loving measure or much more, as shown in this video, the second in a series on the activities developed by Fraternidade in Santa Isabel Children’ Charity House. The first one is already posted here on the site. Be aware that we will publish the next ones soon.