
On the last Sunday of the month of July, 2016, the 1st Youth Festival for Peace was held in Florianópolis, capital of the state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. It was the fruit of a gathering of eight youths who participate in works of prayer in the region. About 300 people visited the event.

Members of the Network-of-Light of various regions of Brazil and many youths of the Nuclei-of-Light and of the Communities-of-Light that were also a part of the Choir of the Communities-of-Light. The Choir presented the song “Blessed Are the Merciful”, theme song of the World Youth Day that is taking place in Poland, among other songs. Monks and nuns of the Grace Mercy Order also participated and collaborated in the conduction of the event, as well as members of the Association Mary, both affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation. Several youths who did not know the work so far also participated in the meeting.

juventude_festival_paz_jovem_orando2_florianopolis_julho_2016The Festival consisted of four parts; the first part began at 2 p.m. with musical presentations and was transmitted live by the site Mercy Mary TV. Then, in the second part of the event, everyone participated in a work with the Indigenous Consciousness in a great circle formed outdoors around a portrait of Our Lady of Guadalupe that was accompanied by criola (pure) seeds. Afterwards a snack was served.

In the third part of the event, the musical presentations of Lucas Santos, from Rio Grande do Sul, and of Castello Branco, from Rio de Janeiro. Also a collective building was done in a great exposed canvas, where whoever felt like could contribute for the creation of the painting.

juventude_festival_paz_musica3_florianopolis_julho_2016The last part of the event was also transmitted live, when the musical presentations of Castello Branco took place, followed by prayers and chants with the participation of all. At the end of the meeting, the adoration to the Most Holy and the Ecumenical Communion were done.

“Just as the missionaries, the monks and nuns, the Communities-of-Light and the residents, a new pillar of this great work is arising: the youth. This first edition was an experience, a preparation for the group work with these youths, to express the joy and a language that can touch the heart of the youth”, said Fabiano Lauser, an organizer of the Festival.