Coracao Sagrado_ Portugal 2

Núcleo-Luz Coração Sagrado

The Nucleus-of-Light Sacred Heart, located in Fatima, Portugal, promotes from January 16 thru February 28 a cycle of Journeys of Prayer. The objective is to give support to the Middle East Mission and to create foundation for the manifestation of a space in the locality of Dornes.


During the 17 days of work, always taking place on the week-ends, various activities will be engaged in, such as group attumements, studies and reflections about the Planetary Center of Lis-Fatima, live transmissions of events of the Grace Mercy Order, through Misericordia Maria TV, presentation of the choir of Lis and experiences in the region of Dornes. The studies will have as theme the Gardens of Lis. See book “O Ressurgimento de Fátima (Lis)” (“The Reappearance of Fatima (Lis)”), by Trigueirinho.

See the schedule:


Information and enrolment:
(00351) 916743426 I (00351) 919227297 I (00351) 249534687