Encontro Rede-Luz Minas Gerais na Figueira_01-B

Representatives of 44 groups of the Network-of-Light of the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil, affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, participated in the Fourth Meeting of Updating, held in the Community-of-Light of Figueira on June 3 and 4. The focus was ‘In infinite gratitude, we confirm our vows’.

It was two days of service and reflection ‘on the importance that each member of the Network-of-Light groups donate more and more to the Community-of-Light of Figueira, from which we have received so much all these years’, explained Andreia Grossi, a member of the Coordinating Board of the Minas Gerais Network-of-Light. ‘I have faith that the objective will be reached and that this concept of self-donation, of freely and selflessly donating will strengthen itself in the group consciousness’, she added.

Encontro Rede-Luz Minas Gerais na Figueira_03

‘These meeting take place every six months in the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Belo Horizonte, but this time we preferred to take the groups to the Community-of-Light so that they may have the opportunity to live the Law of Balance and to express their gratitude by means of self-donation in the numerous services rendered to the community’, continued Andreia.

The opening happened on Friday, June 3, at 2 p.m.. It was conducted by Mirnuk, institutional manager of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation, and by Andreia Grossi. Afterward, the group participated in a group syntony and prayed the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy. Later, they watched the transmission of the lecture of Friar Luciano, a monk of the Grace Mercy Order, and participated in the Ecumenical Communion.

Encontro Rede-Luz Minas Gerais na Figueira_05On Saturday, 4, in the morning, the participants – about 90 volunteers of the Minas Gerais Network-of-Light – split into three groups of service. One group conducted activities in the Area of Light of the Community-of-Light of Figueira (cleaning of the buses of the community, classification and tidying of the fruits, among other tasks), while other two groups transferred to the town of Carmo da Cachoeira. One of these groups visited the places of service of the Missionaries of the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation (House of Saint Joseph, House of Mary Rose of Peace and the hut of Saint Joseph).

The other group went to the House of Light on the Hill, where they split into four subgroups. One stayed in the headquarters, doing tasks with the gardens. Another went to help in the harmonization of the Park of the Kingdoms. A third subgroup supported the harmonization of the House of Hope (a place of veterinarian services for dogs and cats). A fourth subgroup made home visits to poor families of Carmo da Cachoeira, in the company of nuns of the Grace Mercy Order (the Monastery of the Sacred Charity of Saint Joseph, located in the House of Light on the Hill).

The meeting ended on Saturday afternoon with the lecture of Daniela Boaventura, coordinator of the Belo Horizonte Network-of-Light, who spoke about ‘The portal of gratitude’ and later with the period of final reflections, conducted by the members of the Coordinating Board of the Minas Gerais Network-of-Light: Andreia Grossi, Beth Picorelli and Renata Falci. Then, the participants watched a lecture by Trigueirinho, offered live on Saturdays.