On April 8 and 9, there will be a meeting in Dornes, in the central region of Portugal. The event, which marks a new cycle of deepening of Lis Planetary Center and the bases for the implementation of the Nucleus-of-Light of Figueira in Portugal, will have moments of study and syntony.

casa_dornes1The meeting will be held in a house, near the Dornes Lake. On the first day, Friar Luciano, a monk of the Grace Mercy Order, will offer a study about our attitudes in the face of the current planetary situation, touching on the following themes: Lis and the reunion with the universal feminine energy within us; the rescue of the purity of the heart amidst the deep world crisis; our relationship with the ascending path; the mystery of the Angels.

Still on the first day, after lunch, everyone will participate in a walk and syntony around the Dornes Lake, for approximately three hours.

lago_dornes1On the second day of the meeting, about 45 people are expected, especially from the regions of Porto and Lisbon. According to Margarida, coordinator and resident of the Nucleus-of-Light of the Sacred Heart, in Fátima, the event will have the participation of people of different ages and ties to the work. They are members of the European Network-of-Light of Portugal and Spain and people who are getting in touch with the work for the first time. The second day will be dedicated to a syntony with Lis Planetary Center.

“We are initiating this new cycle of deepening of the spiritual bases of Lis Planetary Center. The meeting will help us make a synthesis of all that this Center can manifest through its various faces”, said Margarida.

Additional Information:

Schedule (Time of Portugal)

Friday, 8
10 a.m. Live study with Friar Luciano da Puríssima Mãe
12:30 a.m. Lunch
2 p.m. Walk
6 p.m. Closing

Saturday, 9
Meeting with the European Network-of-Light and Collaborators
10 a.m. Beginning of the works
5 p.m. Closing