Sunday 23 to Sunday 30

During the week, the missionaries held various activities in three institutions.

In Caritas Hellas, the Group continued to support the distribution of clothes for refugees and needy people. Up to 500 is the number of refugees who daily go to the institution to get lunch.

The Group split to support the two houses the missionaries of charity of Mother Teresa of Calcutta have in the city of Athens: the House 1, which offers food, and the House 2, which welcomes mothers with children.

Bags with food donated by the Missionaries of Charity (pasta, milk, fruits and some supplements) were distributed to people who are in need on the streets of Athens.

Greeks in need
In the Orthodox Church of St. Theodore in Anavissos, which lies about 50 km from the capital Athens, the Group collaborated with the preparation and distribution of food: 75 basic baskets with food were assembled for distribution to people who live in the region.

“The baskets were distributed mainly for needy Greeks, who are getting in an increasingly worse situation because of the crisis. The international money that comes to Greece is primarily intended for refugee support programs, but now greater attention is starting to be given to the Greeks”, said Shen, a missionary of the Fraternity.

When they were not doing activities in the institutions, the missionaries performed maintenance tasks on missionary base headquarters in Greece, and also participated in liturgies, with moments of prayers and accompaniment of the transmissions over the internet of lectures and events.