Florianópolis was the fourth city in the South of Brazil to receive the events of the launch of the second edition of the book ‘Viver o Amor aos Cães’ (Living the Love for the Dogs), by Ana Regina Nogueira. The Authoress was accompanied by the founders of the Francis of Assisi Park, who also participated in the meetings.

On May 11, the authoress gave a lecture to thirty-two people in the Institute of Naturology of the University of the South of Santa Catarina (UNISUL).
In the following day, Ana gave interviews to the Radio CBN, to the TV Record and to the TV of the Legislative Assembly, the latter with the participation of other founders of the Park. At night, a lecture was given at Association Sagres for 105 people and 3 dogs, with the main theme of ‘Unity’.
‘There was an extraordinary response, especially among the youth. Many came to tell me how much this lecture had touched them concerning Unity’, said Ana Regina Nogueira.

During the event, the founders of the Park told their stories and experiences of group work, trials and challenges they had faced. ‘We showed that, from the moment we say yes to service, everything begins to happen. It was a very beautiful interaction between us and the audience’, said Patrícia Arriel, one of the founders of the Francis of Assisi Park and treasurer of the Animal Protection Society of Lavras.

On May 13, the lecture was in the Rosinha Campos State School, for about 150 teachers, coordinators and students. ‘It was a new experience, because I had never participated in an event with such young children. It was a very good work, said Patrícia.

During the whole Circuit of launches in the South of Brazil, the authoress Ana Regina Nogueira is being accompanied by a pilgrim in missionary training in behalf of the Animal Kingdom, and by two members of the coordination of the Network-of-Light of the South of Brazil. ‘The launches are organized by the local Network-of-Light, enabling all members to have an intense training in the organization and dissemination of the event. Each city, each event, each lecture is different from the others. It is done for that specific group of souls’, said Ana Regina Nogueira.


‘Following this work from the beginning, I realize that the sowing done throughout the South of Brazil is one of Love, Inspiration, Hope and Service inspired by the Universal Mother on behalf of the Kingdoms of Nature’, said Elemar Taffe, a Missionary in training.

‘Our task is to take the love and the beauty of the Kingdoms of Nature and, especially, those of the Animals, to the people who need them’, said Lenilce Gomide, one of the founders of the Park and vice-President of the Animal Protection Society of Lavras.

Watch the interview of the authoress at Record TV: