The Light-Community Figueira presents the new logo
The tree of Figueira The lush tree of Figueira is the guardian of the entrance to ...
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The tree of Figueira The lush tree of Figueira is the guardian of the entrance to ...
Once a week, usually on Monday at 4 am, five collaborators of the Figueira Light-Community, affiliated with Fraternity – International Humanitarian ...
As we saw in the material published on the Day of Nature, October 4, trees perform biological and spiritual ...
Read the report of four volunteers on their experiences in the Light-Community In search of a broader and ...
Do you look at or take care of flowers when you have the chance? This can even be ...
What can we do to treat and use water – that vital substance, still so wasted and disrespected ...
In order to form multipliers for the construction of ferrocement cisterns, the Light-Community of Figueira offered a course in the form ...
To walk the labyrinth, a symbol of our walk through life, offers a valuable opportunity for those seeking ...
That the pandemic changed the way in which we relate to each other is not news to anybody. ...