The only key that opens these doors is Love

The Creator multiplied in the universes, in the galaxies, in the constellations,
in the stars; 
in the planets, in the beings, in the Kingdoms of Nature;
He created the evolutionary scale, which is nothing but the path of return to the Origin.

The Creator opened the dimensions, from matter to the Superuniverses,
And closed – from top down – the doors that took to Him.

And the only key that opens these doors is Love.

(Message of Saint Joseph – Aug 4, 2016)


We are not alone in the Universe

The earthly astronomical science today admits categorically, albeit in restricted circles, that we are not alone in the Universe! Thus, our Divine Messenger, who in her previous earthly existence manifested among us as the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, expands this revelation by means of the crystalline mirror of her heart and of her omniscient cosmic Wisdom, clarifying to us that it was pride and vanity that limited and imprisoned human thought in the archaic concept that universal life does not exist. And she continues, expanding her instruction that there are many other civilizations in the universe that await the growth of our consciousnesses and spirits, in the hope of our attaining likeness with the One Who came to be the example for the whole humanity, the Christ, and who now rules in the cosmos, as the Perfect Principle of God, an example to the whole Creation.

Everything in Heaven as well as on Earth has its time

“[…] Everything in Heaven as well as on Earth has its time. Throughout the centuries, I let Myself be known to humanity, so that you could trust My love and My guidance; and now, My dear ones, I want to reveal to you the true existence of the universe and announce to you that there is life far beyond this one; that there are entire civilizations waiting for the growth of your spirits and, in hope, they expect you to reach the likeness to the One that came to be the example for the all of humanity and who now reigns in the cosmos, as the Perfect Principle of God, an example for the whole of Creation.

My Children, I want to announce to this planet, the existence of many other worlds, created by the angels and archangels of God, the so called Creator Fathers, who have an infinite power of creation and who create and recreate the entirety life, giving to the Lord the possibility of expressing Himself in various ways.

It was pride and vanity what locked humanity up in the thought that the universal life does not exist, and that beyond this Earth there could be Heaven and hell, at the most. Today I tell you that there are more than seven Heavens, where saints and angels continue their path of evolution, and that there are more than seven hells, where the consciousnesses that have not followed the divine principles and let themselves get absorbed by darkness, wait for mercy to permeate and rescue them.  One of those hells is a reality on the surface of this world and is distributed in many degrees, according to the reigning of chaos and to the submission that it causes to the souls […]” 

(Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, of August 25, 2015)

Widening and deepening

And our beloved Divine Mother continues widening and deepening this instruction, as it is of vital importance today that humanity be more familiarized with it, for the steps it must take in its cosmic evolution.

“[…] Just s there are millions of stars in the Universe, there are millions os essences that re children of this Universal Creation. In this vast Universe, the Spiritual Hierarchy accompanies the awakening of these essences within a path of redemption and of peace.

In the vast Universe, there is life, in all the Father created for them to express the different degrees of love. For this reason, the essences can learn about love through the different experiences of life that take place in this Universe; until some consciousness attains the highest degrees of love, just as Jesus attained in the  past.

It is thus that the Creation recreates itself, so that the evolutionary life may advance and deeper steps in love and in the truth may be taken, bringing wisdom to all things. […]”

(Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, of March 11, 2017)

This journey on the starry sky will continue!