We are part of One cosmic Life

How do we behave today before the mysteries and the vastness we can observe in a starry sky? Where is in us the reverence and rapture we sometimes feel, before the silent and profound immensity of a night sky? In front to the also grand manifestations of Nature? Why have we become so indifferent, blind and hypnotized, without even realizing we are part of One cosmic Life that pulses in our being, and impels us forward?

The  Divine Messenger, formerly recognized, in other garments, as Saint Joseph, a patient and humble Father, today a great Instructor of humanity, regularly transmits to us precious messages to human ears that have become deaf out of convenience, as they are not interested any longer in the uncomfortable Truth that challenges us to transformation. As a great Instructor, nevertheless, his voice echoes on the deserts of this Planet: “Whoever has ears to hear, let them hear!” (Read the whole message)

——————— The return to the Origin ———————

“If you observe the universe, you shall see countless stars, you shall feel the greatness of God and of His Creation; you shall aspire to dive into this All that express itself before your eyes.  Contemplate the starry sky and recognize the presence of God in a dimension that, at the same time that seems so distant, permeates all that was created.

If you cannot find the life of the spirit in the invisible of your own inner world, then contemplate the starry sky and you shall feel the presence of those who are Blessed in this sky and that wait for your awakening.

If your soul cannot aspire to anything higher than the material life, then raise your physical eyes upwards, contemplate the blue of the sky in a sunny day and feel that behind that blue is God, waiting to be your purest and truest aspiration.

Seek in the beauty that exists, upon your being, the greatness of God, and you shall find the truth of the spirit in your interior. If it seems too far to achieve a spiritual discovery only through the heart, discover then in the hidden side of the Kingdoms of Nature, the same truths that you seek in the silence of your inner world.

All the Creation is permeated by the same divine principles. Some will discover the magnitude of the Spirit of God in the silence of the heart, others will find Him contemplating the blue sky, others will seek Him in the expression of the Kingdoms of Nature, others, in the pure example of a brother or a sister that is true in the walk. The Creator is in everything and the one who seeks Him, within their possibilities, in a crystalline way, shall find Him.

The mysteries are only mysteries for those who do not want to unveil them, because the same principle that creates and recreates life in the universe is the one that animates the beings in the world. God is in all things. Seek Him, unite with Him. Make life sacred, through this permanent quest for the Creator of all.

This is My message for today.  Seeking God dignifies the human heart and gives a meaning to its existence, which is the return to the Origin.

Your beloved Father and Guide, Saint Joseph

——————— Recognize the greatness of Life ———————

“Even though your eyes do not see it, there is a Universe that observes you.
Even if it is with the ears of the heart,
listen and respond to Its Call.
Contemplate the starry sky and recognize the greatness of Life”

(Read the whole message)

This journey on the starry sky will continue!