The rays – an unfathomable Mystery

Each one of us, each planet, each solar system is an expression of rays. That which we call rays are expressions of energy, and to say we are expressions of rays means that we exist as a manifestation of these energies. However, on a deeper level, there is something of an unfathomable mystery.

During this reading, let us relax our mind and abandon, for some moments, the trivial, with which we deal every day, and try to enter on a broader field of life.

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The solar system

We know that this solar system is not the only one nor the most evolved in the cosmos; it is only one, among the infinite manifested ones. Let us imagine, then, a group of just seven solar systems, each one channeling a ray, which is its “soul”, its life or its essential quality.

The solar system where we live is the expression. Of the second cosmic ray, also called the energy of love-wisdom. To us, the second ray is fundamental and basic, and its energy of love-wisdom rules everything within the limits of this system.

The second cosmic ray

Love-wisdom, when it expresses in this solar system, subdivides into seven energies. The subdivisions of this energy – the seven rays – are the following:

1st Will-power;
2nd Love-wisdom;
3rd Active intelligence
4th Harmony of the opposites
5th Concrete knowledge
6th Devotion-idealism
7th Order and organization

Until the end of its cycle of manifestation, this solar system will likely express in its totality the energy that constitutes its essence. Little by little, Love-wisdom radiates through everything that exists, until it reveals itself in all levels of existence.

Let us see how we can express these subdivisions in this diagram:

When we think we love

When we think we are loving, in reality we are experiencing a reflection of this cosmic love-wisdom. This explains why we do not feel satisfied with our own  (still limited) capacity to love. Love must be revealing gradually, as energy, in the whole solar system in evolution. To feel incomplete is part of the process of fulfillment of the whole system.

Everything that leads us to selfishness and to separateness is contrary to this great evolutionary current; in this epoch, we need to gradually become aware of our great unity with the Whole.

The Seven Rays

The seven rays, subdivisions of the cosmic love-wisdom, manifest cyclically, although they are always present. There are periods in which some rays are fully active and others are not. The non-active rays are not absent, but they fulfill other cycles.

A Person

One person may manifest all rays, although not all are expressed sharply. There are in us much more energy in circulation than we can imagine. We manifest different rays on the different levels of our being: in the physical, emotional and mental bodies, in the personality, in the soul and in the monad (or spirit).

Our etheric centers, the organs of the physical body, the country where we incarnate and the humanity as a whole are also ruled by rays. In order to discover these rays, a certain self-discipline is necessary, which we can develop especially in modern times, in which the energy of order and organization – the seventh ray – is very active on the planet.

Invitation to the reader

We invite the reader to observe the kinds of energy that manifest in the bodies of their personality: the physical, the emotional and the mental. In them, the rays are more evident than on the deeper levels of the being. Try to investigate your own characteristics, perceiving them, intuiting them. After discovering the energies of each one of these bodies, try to manifest, through them, with your actions, feelings and thoughts, other energies, which are always sub-rays of the main ray. This will make it possible for the body that is being worked to become flexible, adaptable and increasingly useful for the service of the creative energy that is in its essence.

When the physical, emotional and mental bodies freely manifest their respective rays, the ray of the personality begins to emerge. Later, as the personality makes its alignment with the soul emerges the ray of the soul. After a deeper evolution, it will be possible also to perceive the ray of the monad – the eternal individual that we are, immersed in the cosmic consciousness.

In order to fulfill the work of alignment of the bodies among themselves and of the personality with the soul, that is, for the harmonization of all these energies of ray, it is necessary for a clear spiritual goal to take place in one’s own life. The greater the concentration on this goal, with more intensity will the energy respond with its unlimited creative resources.

To thoroughly assume what leads to this purpose
and reject what deviates us from it – this is the path…

Book by Trigueirinho: As Energias dos Raios e Nossas Vidas (The Energy of the Rays in Our Life)
Text extracted from the chapter: Os Raios (p. 13), (The Rays)
Irdin Audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 354 (Talks with Trigueirinho) no. 354
Complete audio at: