An inexhaustible light

Luz que desperta

In these times, a greater number of individuals are approaching the esoteric teaching with an openness hitherto impossible to the concrete mind. Those who have already awakened internally are having vaster opportunities of contact, recognition and conscious relationship with subtle realities.

Within each one that has awakened an inexhaustible light is expanding, which shines even without being perceived and, when certain veils are removed, its radiance can no longer be hidden. Therefore, this is an epoch of overcoming old structures and also of renascence.

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Great is the help that comes from within the being and strong is the call that the Spirit launches to the conscious self, seeking to take it from the lethargy which matter imposes to it. For this, the shortest path is always sought for by the energies. If we really knew how much our essence is oppressed by human insensitivity, we would unconditionally open our channels of inner contact, in order to allow for the Supreme Purpose of our existence to be fulfilled.

To tread the cosmic path

Andrômeda - Cosmos

However, not even a drop of anxiety or of expectation should be placed in the chalice of the consciousness. Nothing we know or think should be projected in what Eternity has at stock for us. Only thus will we be able to tread the cosmic path as pilgrims in true freedom.

The path for the approximation to the Absolute takes place through the work of expansion of consciousness, not by means of techniques, whichever they are. Whereas the common man busies himself with the construction of an obscure world, submerged in darkness, the free being learns to live in the space of light, which is another dimension. They thus gradually become a conscious part of universal life: they awaken in themselves latent powers, learn to control certain laws that rule material life, and contact spiritual Hierarchies.

For them, the free being, to evolve means to climb steps in the consciousness, to go beyond the level of the Soul, to penetrate unknown regions. For this, their aspiration must be firm and clear, not like a flickering light, but like a torch of fire that reaches the skies. The option for the quest for the essence – and not of appearances – must be faithfully and rigorously assumed by them.

Feel the pulsation of the grandeur of the Cosmos

In the mantric sentence “I want, Lord, to feel the pulsation of the grandeur of the Cosmos” are powerful keys for this to take place, keys of Will-power. In this way, a unified vibration merges aspirant, aspiration and the Source to which this aspiration is channeled.

Humanity has remained until today immersed in a limited reality, circumscribed to what is perceptible to the external senses and to the common mind. However, there is an invisible universe to be recognized, whose radiation fills the action of material life and pervades the space with Light.

Text extracted from the book by Trigueirinho Aos que Despertam (“To Those who Awaken”, in free translation), pages 19, 20 and 21.

Name of the article in (newspaper) O Tempo: A Luz desperta e silenciosamente permeia as formas (“The Light awakens and silently pervades the forms”, in free translation)
Date of publication: May 5, 2018
Irdin Audio – Complete at:  Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 31