Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio



We know that the human being, making use of free-will, uses to make decisions considering in special their own individual necessities and desires. In rare cases, they keep in mind the general necessity or some aspect of the evolutionary, divine plan. For this reason, they create more karmic debts than credits in life and they little balance this state of disharmony, as they are not neutral to the point of not continuing to form bonds.


The one who seeks the spiritual path offers themselves to the manifestation of good, of the truth and of beauty in their own being and in the universe. Nevertheless, the most refined expression of harmony in life demands full freedom, the release of all bonds that connect the consciousness to matter, even the positive bonds. For this, it is necessary more good actions that may balance negative actions: neutrality when acting is necessary.


In reality, one walks to one’s true liberation not only by practicing good and thus sowing a promising future, because this creates positive bonds. Liberation comes from detachment of all one does, feels or thinks. Even though this condition marks an advanced stage of development, there are those who strive to attain it, notwithstanding the fact that the environment in general entices the emotional and mental involvement with what takes place within and without people.

Being in the world without being of the world

When the person already has no attachment to any act, whether positive or negative, they can transcend the bonds with facts and, as a result, with their destiny. The recommendation of “being in the world without being of the world”, made by Jesus, synthesizes this desired situation.

The spider creates its universe without binding itself to it, weaves its web without getting entangled in it. But the human being, as they build their life on the Earth, commonly gets involved in it, attaches themselves to what they do and create. It happens as though they were limited to a room and a little candle were all the light they have. They see in a diffuse way and has many experiences in their loved prison. They weave their web through thoughts, dreams, desires and personal objectives. Thus they build their own lives, even not managing to see the true pattern since ever planned for them. They get entangled in the threads: nothing was learned from the spider.

But, at a given moment, this weaver hears within the order to destroy their loved web. Then they begin to train detachment, to undo old knots and to avoid the creation of superfluous bindings.

Lack of interest for the results

Whenever possible, destiny presents to the being altruistic tasks, which do not aim only the material side of life. This opportunity of development beyond the material plane, so necessary for both an individual and the whole humanity, enables one of the most important steps for liberation – lack of interest for the results of one’s own action, detachment, full self-donation – which in current times has broad and special repercussions.

Life must pulsate crystalline

Life on Earth must pulsate in a crystalline way. Essence and form must unify, and the human being is the link for this unification. Pain, present in human life due to the fabric of the actions that must be balanced, will no longer obscure the eyes of those who surrender to this essence.

The Earth transforms itself quickly. Those who have made the commitment of collaborating with this evolutionary transformation discover in themselves the joy of serving and of self-donating. Detachment finds in them fertile field, as detached beings learn that form is ephemeral and essence is incorruptible.

Book by Trigueirinho: Mensagens para sua transformação, (Messages for your transformation, page 35).
Name of the chapter of the book: Desapego, a chave para a verdadeira liberdade (Detachment, the key to true freedom)
Irdin audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 141 (Talks with Trigueirinho # 141, in free translation)
Complete audio
Audio time range: 29’11 to 32’16