The Awakening to the New Cycle – All the worlds are subject to the evolutionary law

All the worlds are subject to the evolutionary law. August 8, 1988, the date in which four eights group, marked the beginning of the transition of the material world that is known on this planet toward the sublime Pleiades of spiritual transformation. By Pleiades here we do not understand the constellation, but rather a incorporeal state of life without sexual reproduction. Terrestrial evolution, therefore, in in contact with what is most sublime in the universes.

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The transition

The transition consists in man ceasing to employ force and begin to use intelligence, thus turning his consciousness to evolutionary states of permanent and durable spirituality. Within the harmony of the Cosmos, the planet Earth will begin to fulfill the planetary laws, definitely integrating in the great universal cosmogony. In this way the new race will begin, which will flourish with new knowledge and new patterns of behavior. The patterns must be gradually replaced by higher patterns, although not fixed ones; we must not crystallize ourselves in them. This will bring a durable peace, not ephemeral as the one of today.

The new humanity, after August 8, 1988, will be irreversibly placed in the direction of serving the cosmic plans, no longer its own human projects, which are always disconnected from what is really necessary.

This date also marks the beginning of the immense task of recovering the planet from the forces of evil. In our planet, every kind of iniquity among brothers and sisters is practiced, and the greater part of them is downgraded by a minority that have material powers. To recover the planet means to integrate it to the grand cosmic plan established by the Creator.

We have everything within our reach, but we must activate the lever of will, in the spiritual sense. Thus, letting ourselves be led by our own inner being, we will discover the wonderful creation of which we are part.

O despertar de um novo ciclo

We live a time of awakening

We live a time of awakening. Our quest must not limit itself to us, but must be done conjointly with others. The quest is for the real state of our beings.

In this awakening, turning to what happened in the past is to no avail, because if we did so, we would limit our memory. We can go beyond our union to the corporeal form or to the appearance of the facts. Our being is in permanent contact with other beings. The limitation in which we find ourselves today is not in the Law of the Spirit, but it is a temporary condition of material manifestation.

It is necessary to create an opening to superconsciousness, for the inner and higher being to elevate from this identity with the physical body, and dissolve the concern for the level already attained. After the dissolution or abandonment of the physical body, a life after another exists, as a world after another.

When in projection beyond the physical body, we are even travelers of the new mind. In this state, all unknown circumstances and results begin to manifest themselves to us. In this projection outside of the physical body we must be attentive to not fall in idolatry. On the contrary, it is necessary to project oneself within our being, where there is the light that can reflect in the exterior.

By doing this, each individual will understand that the higher values are not the same values of the tridimensional world in which we live today. Each one of us will understand that it is necessary to change our state of consciousness.

Name of the article in (newspaper) O Tempo: Vivemos um tempo de despertar para o estado real de nosso ser (“We live a time of awakening into the real state of our being”, in free translation)
Date of publication: July 1, 2018

Irdin Audio – Complete at:  A propósito de 2012


O despertar de um novo ciclo