Here we begin a new cycle of studies and impulses about a crucial theme for the times of today, abortion. We will see it, nevertheless, from the perspective of the “non-born”, and not from the corrupt and compromised human perspective, which is even capable of “molding” the laws to obtain ulterior and purposes. While our civilization remains intoxicated by the material senses and by the sea of illusions that derive from them, by the “modernities” and by generalized consumerism, the voices of warning of the Divine Messengers keep resounding clear and firm, as they have always done throughout the times, in all parts and in all manners, with a decisive key: Whoever has ears, let them hear.

In order to support our daring perspective above, we will make use of a Message by Christ Jesus, which, on the one hand, is pacifying for a certain level of our being and, at the same time, is a vehement warning call to all of us:  Attention! Watch out! Awake! Before it is too late! Do not fall pray to the tricky traps of the enemy! It is a loving and universal message, which concerns us directly, whichever our position today in a family: as a  mother, a father or a child. It tries to awaken and rebuild in our consciousness and in our heart the bond of spiritual fraternity that the Creator projected as a perfect model of the spiritual family here on Earth, a model that was lived fully by the Sacred Family of Nazaret, a consecrated example for us to be imitated today.

And, at the end of the Reading, He exhorts with vehemence: Pray! Pray from the heart! So that the unfortunate plans of the enemy may desist in the minds that materialize them.”

The thread of light that unites a good mother with her child is always indestructible because between the spirit of the good child and the love of a good mother is created a tie of spiritual fraternity.

Today I ask all of My Companions in the entire world that you meditate about this in this time, about your sincere union with your mother.  The good mother that God has given you embraces, the good mother protects her small child from the first years of life, the good mother listens and attends to the needs of her little one.

Today I want to leave you the symbol and the event of the birth of the Child King in Bethlehem, because between Mother Mary and Child Jesus was re-established the maternal union that had been lost in all the generations of humanity.

One of the great pains of God is the death that many mothers create in their wombs, removing the divine life that God pours in each new being that is born.  For this, for those who have a mother in life, for those who do not see their mother, or for those who do not have her near anymore, I ask you for the sake of all the little and innocent ones who are not born to thank God for having had a mother, for having been between the arms of a heart donated to protect and care for your lives.

In this way dears, you will permit the banishment of the evil ideas of the enemy of wanting to take the souls that still have not been born out of My hands.  Give thanks to God for your mother, remember Jesus in the arms of Mary during birth as well as in death.

The mother, for the world, is the living spirit of comfort and of protection.  The enemy has managed that many children hate the fraternal relationship with their mothers.  Today I ask you for the sake of those who have not been born; pray! pray from the heart!  So that the unfortunate plans of the enemy may desist in the minds that materialize them.

Today My Heart is born in the manger of the New Earth.  Today My Spirit rejoices for the healing gratitude that you have given to My flagellated Heart.  Today My Mercy is with those who are most in need.

I bless you in God. The Merciful Christ Jesus

One year after having transmitted the first message above, Christ Jesus passes us a spiritual exercise called The Rosary of the Tears of Jesus4, which is like a stream of mercy for all souls. He opens the message with a great list of spiritual accomplishments that He promises to each one that prays this Rosary in devotion and gratitude, under the spirit of the Holy Faith.

In the invocation, repeated in each union bead – For the sake of all of the tears shed in the Crucifixion of Jesus, Shekinah, make us worthy of serving Your Son – we find the central motive that synthesizes the whole of His Great Work of Love, of Forgiveness and of Redemption, and which culminated in His Passion, Crucifixion and Death. This invocation, prayed with the heart, attracts to oneself and to all open and needy souls those spiritual merits already attained by Him on the Cross, for the redemption of all the faults and debts of humanity, which for a long time have been impossible to pay for us. And in each decade, He vividly impregnates each prayerful consciousness with the unjust causes and actions of the souls which still unceasingly hurt His Merciful Heart and which must be repaired – for the ungratefulness; for the persecution and death; for the unborn; for the perdition; for the denial; and He finalizes the messages thus:

For this, in order to alleviate My Sorrowful Heart, and to prevent that more tears continue shedding over My face, I give you this rosary of tears, those that are shed by Me when I see the causes and the unjust actions of the souls. Through your devotion, you will dry My tears and you will rejoice My offended Merciful Heart. To those who may seek Me and who may contemplate Me by means of the Rosary of the Tears of Jesus I promise to assist in accomplishing the possible within the impossible, and in liberating them from all evil and from all persecution.

The theme of Abortion will continue.

Rosary of the Tears shed by Jesus

In order to honor My Sacred Heart you shall pray in the union bead:

For the sake of all of the tears shed in the Crucifixion of Jesus,
Shekinah, make us worthy of serving Your Son.

First decade:

For the sake of the tears that today Jesus sheds for the ungratefulness,
Shekinah, liberate the whole world.

Second decade:

For the sake of the tears that Jesus sheds for the persecution and the death,
Shekinah, re-establish Your Mercy in the world.

Third decade:

For the sake of the tears that Jesus sheds for the unborn,
El-Shaddai, alleviate the great debt of this world.

Fourth decade:

For the sake of the tears that Jesus sheds for the perdition,
El-Shaddai, unify now and always all of the hearts.

Fifth decade:

For the sake of the tears that Jesus sheds for the denial,
Iod He Vaud He, heal profoundly all of the souls.
