“The greatest of all diet reforms is the change from meat-eating to a meatless diet. This is also the first step on the spiritual path, the first gesture that rightness, justice, compassion, purity are being set up as necessary to human and humane living, in contrast to animal living”.

(Paul Brunton: The Body – Ch. 3: Diet-5).


The “Glossário Esotérico” (Esoteric Glossary), by Trigueirinho, defines Vegetarianism:

Food system based on plants and exempt from meat. There are vegetarians who make use of some products derived from animals, such as eggs and dairy products.

The benefits of vegetarianism are wide and were known since remote times. This system was used, for example, among the Essenes, as a  means of purification and as an incentive for the perfecting of the faculties of the soul and of the body.

Combined with the abstention from alcohol, from smoke and from drugs, vegetarianism brings relief to the body and reinforces in the consciousness the capacity to overcome obstacles derived from mistaken tendencies absorbed during the incarnations. Nevertheless, without purifying the character and aiming at an altruistic service, this practice becomes a mere diet, which can either be healthy or cause deficiencies.

Vegetarian nourishing enables mental clarity, defuses the brain and the subtle bodies from violence and passions. There are cases when it facilitates the development of clairvoyance. Specially when the individual decides to control their emotional and instinctive forces, it is recommended to abstain from meat. Through magnetism, the animal food introduces in the human organism a certain class of psychic tendencies, among which fear, inclinations that must be overcome and not reinforced.

The recommendations to quit the ingestion of meat take into account not only the broadening of human consciousness, but the evolution of the whole planetary life. From the ethical and spiritual point of view, vegetarian nourishing collaborates in the rebalancing of the human karma, overburdened by the constant slaughtering of animals. In general, the kind of nutrition of someone depends on the level on which their consciousness is polarized and on their karma. Nevertheless, when they assume collaborating in the evolution, their nutrition begins to be determined mainly by the level to which their consciousness must be transferred. In the future, after the planetary purification, it will be unthinkable for the human being to ingest animal cadavers, such a common practice nowadays.

In the previous study, we detected the pressing need for the human being to transcend this ancient generalized nourishing habit, and not justifiable scientifically anymore, of having to ingest meat for its subsistence. Many disastrous consequences for human and planetary life are already visible everywhere: the expansion of cancer and of other degenerative diseases; wars, violence and cruelty; the accelerated situation of physical, moral and spiritual misery, present throughout the civilization; the catastrophes and environmental tragedies without proportions, etc.

Spiritual Science affirms that human evolution itself has been affected by this outdated habit, falling quite short of what was expected for it. The denser animal vibration, retrograde for the human being (animal evolution is one degree below human evolution), makes its nervous substance denser and reduces its capacity to recognize, understand and live the Higher Laws. This also negatively caused the non-development of the latent potentials in the human brain and in its nervous system. And thus, this civilization let itself be intensely bound to the dense physical plane, becoming materialistic, consumerist and more inclined to attend to its physical senses, material yearning and needs, dulling its consciousness, and setting it apart from the subtle and spiritual reality.

The vegetarian diet liberates the body and consciousness from this dense vibration and nourishes it with more subtle vibrations, thus collaborating in the higher evolution of the human being, as we shall see in the upcoming studies. Trigueirinho also widens and deepens these themes in the Audio below:

“Inferior and even harmful foods have been eaten for so long that most people have become addicted to them and, through habitual use, come to like them. It is true that several of these foods have been part of a civilized diet for generations, but the duration of an error does not make it less an error, and does not justify its continuance.”
(Paul Brunton: The Body – Ch. 3: Diet-3)

The theme of Vegetarianism will continue.

Text: Friar Ameino
Audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho (Lecture by Trigueirinho) no 432 (0’05 – 5’25)
Complete Audio at: www.irdin.org.br/acervo/detalhes/5714