We know that in the face of the Divine magnitude, the human being should yield to it in gratitude and surrender. A lot would be given to them if they so proceeded, recognizing their true condition, and revering the more elevated states of consciousness. The magnificent impulse that conducts the manifestation of life is gifted, in its greatness, with such absorbing capacity that, in it, the surrendered beings dissolve and uplift, led by an energy that they do not even know whence it came. They just make silence and, surrender to these sublime hands wholeheartedly.

Reverence is the victory of a battle without struggle, a battle in which even before the attack, the enemy capitulates. Reverence is in the plant that bows to the wind, in the stars that fade before the sunshine, in the earth that becomes a bed to welcome the river, and in the river that molds itself to the path that the ground offers it. It is in the birth that brings a new opportunity and in the death that foretells a deeper rebirth. It is in the silence of those who were able to reach God, source of all knowledge.

Life, as we know, does not occur by chance. It arises from the reverence of the whole cosmos in the face of the Creative Light, which is God. In order for the understanding of subtle truths to be able to come to us, the mind must be peaceful, as when there is simplicity truth approaches. In simplicity, we will know the essence of all things; in the mannerisms, we will lose all of them. Truth is not found, truth is.

Gratitude is the lighthouse that make the different  paths be seen, even at moments of crisis. Nevertheless, visible light does not penetrate walls and, without openings, it is not perceived. Therefore, gratitude and openness is necessary, for the inner knowledge is not written over doodles of old concepts, but rather on blank, virgin pages, never manipulated before. Thus, the being offers themselves to the inner world.

Without gratitude, the human being does not even see the gifts that life brings them; they do not understand the message that the sunrays seek to transmit to them when they frame the horizon with gold, neither do they understand the singing of the birds, calling them to share the joy that the universe grants to all beings. They feel the perfume of a flower, but they do not penetrate the essence of the scent that derives from the gardens of the inner worlds.

Without gratitude, even if they internally live in a higher kingdom, they only see material elements around them. Being immersed in the fullness of existence, they limit themselves to its temporary aspect. But how to show the colors to the one who cannot see them? The miracle of inner life is to be present even while the external world drowns in whirlwinds of conflicts. It prevails and reaffirms itself as infinite and endless and, without its spark heating matter, nothing would exist. Even though it is imperceptible, it blazes in the core of all things.

The inharmonious action of humanity does not make this inner life disappear; dark clouds cannot hide it, neither can the continuous rejection of its presence make it desist giving of itself, because it is the single truth, the only why, the only meaning. It is power when humans falter, it is softness, when they lack sweetness; it is wisdom, when they ignore how to behave; it is love, when they tend to yield to wrath; it is light, when they are in darkness. In it all qualities and treasures lie, in it everything begins and to it everything is destined.

Article of reference: Jornal O Tempo (newspaper), of August 14, 2016
Name of the article: A elevação do ser por meio da gratidão e da reverência ao Divino (the upliftment of the being by means of gratitude and of the reverence to the Divine)
Irdin áudiohttp://www.irdin.org.br/site/produto/conversas-com-trigueirinho-no-613-2/