Listen to the áudio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio


Being before each individual as if it were for the first time

The tendency to create labels, merely external patterns that caricaturize facts and people, has to be overcome in order for the being to reach the inner aspect and the truth of a situation. It is necessary to be capable of being before each individual as if it were for the first time, without projecting preconceived ideas onto them or letting ideas created by others influence this contact.

To transcend this tendency to create labels is fundamental, as in this way it is possible to collaborate in the dissolution of thought-forms that impede the work of healing of the energy structure of the individuals.

The less these limitations are highlighted or confirmed,
the more the truth can emerge

Especially when someone mingles for some time with other people, the mind is led to generalize, “I am like this”, “he is that way”, which creates layers that contribute to confirm the state in which each one lives. Evidently, discernment must already be purified in order for this inclination to be abandoned without balance being lost, as it is necessary to recognize also the habits of the individual, while it is taken into account that they are an immortal entity, whose deep existence, the soul, is free from idiosyncrasies. The less these limitations are highlighted or confirmed, the more the truth can emerge.

The transformation and the elevation of the human mind

Although the transformation and the elevation of the human mind have been attained by few up to the presente phase, the fact that this process has begun to a certain extent is something of priceless value for the evolution of humanity.

When a definition, for example, manages to quieten the mind and to make it receptive to the inner light, it is beneficial; but one should not let the mind become comfortable or crystallized, as a definition is limited, and even if it is true on a certain level, it turns out to be false or incomplete on a higher level.

To seek to open to the mystery

If the mind questions, let it address its questions to the center of being, and what will emerge will result a fruitful work, even if it utter void. As it learns to hear what comes from this center, the mind receives the positive emanations from levels that are free from illusion. Quite likely it will not receive definitions, but if it is touched by the omniscient silence, it will share an existence in which everything is known. Thus doubts dissolve. To expect ready answers and to accommodate to them is a vice of the mind. The work to be done by it is to seek to open to the mystery, when in face of the unknown.

On the path of perfection, failing to go forward means to go backward

There are limits that the human mind cannot surpass. Everyone knows that, but when facing these limits, it is necessary to put into practice the spiritual teachings; otherwise, it is not possible to continue the journey without stumbling. Saint John of the Cross affirms, in a clear and direct way, “On the path of perfection, failing to go forward means to go backward”.

An iron will is necessary to transcend the mind and the fears it feeds. If there is no faith, certain tests cannot be overcome. Faith is an energy whose power is unknown by most. Who is little experienced in the tracks of ascension looks down on it; nevertheless, the one who has crossed certain borders bows before it with reverence, as there is no greater good for those who take on evolution.

To Saint John of the Cross, faith is a fountain that pours forth, even during the nights of the soul: an eternal hidden fountain, of which we know well where the dwelling is. He also says, “Heaven and the Earth drink of it, even at night”.

Faith is a fountain that pours forth, even during the nights of the soul

Article of reference: Jornal (Newspaper) O Tempo, of Nov 22, 2015
Name of the article:  A mente deve estar receptiva diante da luz interior (The mind must be receptive before the inner light)
Irdin Audio: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 24
Complete audio at: