A smile

Sprouts are great adaptogens. They do not require a perfect environment for their development. Although in normal conditions these sedes grow in great terrains with  much solar light, rain and fresh air to lay roots and grow to their maturity, when they are cultivated in kitchen growers they adapt to grow together, packed one over the other in a glass with just enough light and water for them to survive. Everything they need to adapt to these circumstances is a little routine of watering. They follow this process of growing in a very joyful and enthusiastic manner, so if sprouts and shoots had faces, or if we could see in the etheric planes, we might see a smile in each one of them.

This friendly adaptability is transferred to us when we feed on them. Just as we need rhythm and routine to normalize our lives and processes, even in the hardest situations, we can acquire fortitude from our little friends and connect with our potentialities, gifts and, still more important, with our true purpose in life.

The seeds show
a special quality of unity

In the third phase of the germination, the seeds show a special quality of unity in relation to their capacity of group-consciousness, clustering, joining one another into an intricate network, seeking to sustain one another. If they are left in the container where they grow, and are not transferred nor consumed, they form a block whose extraction may be difficult.

The seeds that remain under all the others usually develop less and donate themselves with joy and unconditionally to serve as sustenance to those with greater possibility to develop. Thus, during the process of germination, we enter, unconsciously, a school with the potential of healing and rehabilitating our registers of mistrust, individualism, selfishness and indifference, transmuting them into consciousness of unity, humility, team work, faith, joy and hope for life.

From a more spiritual parallel

From a more spiritual parallel, what the seed represents when it begins its process of germination can be compared to the process that Jesus lived on the Mount of the Olives and on the cross. We are seeds of the Christic energy on the planet. That is, there is a moment in which the seed loses itself, has doubts and feels it is dying. It resists at the  beginning, without imagining it is not really death. It will soon resurrect and will begin to develop as a shoot. The death of the seed will be the birth of the tree and of the whole of its potential, but… How can the  poor seed know this, if it has never been something else? There is no way it can know it. Just as the seed cannot imagine itself as a tree, the human being does not find God. Only when the human being is not anymore, when it disappears as a personality, does God descend.

From this derives the need that the seed have faith and trust that the tree will be born in spite of its doubts, fears, insecurities, anguishes and anxieties, taking a leap of faith, such as the one Jesus took in his surrender on the cross. As seeds, we will have fear of death, fear of feeling we are disappearing and losing ourselves in nothingness, without possibly surviving. At this moment, we must surrender. This is why, in the critical moments of transformation of our lives, the archetype of the seed and the process of germination collaborate, providing us with fortitude to relax, in deep acceptance and trust.

The human being who transforms itself into what it really is

Transmuting our resistances to follow the steps of Jesus to his greatest miracle, who, in spite of his doubts, worries and suspicions, managed to relax and surrender until he said, “Let Your will be done, and not mine”. This was the moment in which Jesus disappeared and CHRIST was born. The same process takes place in the human being who transforms itself into what it really is: it abandons the ego and disappears, but appears on another plane, transfigured, it is born again in CHRIST, the one who dies as a seed and converts into a tree.

Irdin Audio: Visão ética e valor oculto da alimentação (Ethical outlook and occult value of feeding)
Complete audio: http://www.irdin.org.br/acervo/detalhes/5626
Audio time range: from 27’49” to 32’15”