The simplicity is a balancing element

In the attempt at acting in union of efforts aiming at manifesting true cooperation, simplicity is a balancing element. If there are no commitments with dated things, simplicity reveals its power of dissolving habits and of attracting peace. But, in order for it not to transform itself into hard austerity, joy in the everyday life and in sharing is needed.


Joy springs spontaneously when it is recognized that little, very little is necessary, to live helping the others, without retaining anything, neither sorrows, nor beatitudes. If there is joy, the days reveal a continuous flow, serene as eternity.

The appearance of progress

The appearance of progress that the civilization  presents does not let humanity see the deep crisis in which it finds itself. Nevertheless, those most conscious indicate the direction with their own steps and elevate with themselves those who aspire to progress. Many shoulders should be dividing the countless tasks available in the disturbed world of today.


The common dissatisfaction in the whole world derives not only from material lacks, but also from the distancing from the real goal of attaining God. Those who are disconnected from this goal have the illusion that  peace comes from the possession of goods. Thus, they let themselves be led by the tendency of accumulating things, but the void persists in their hearts as a sign that this is not the path of serenity and of abundance.

Without having simplicity flourish in the heart, inner peace does not arise, nor is there correct sharing of the resources available. But simplicity is not poverty: it arises if we perceive the need of all and if we renounce the superfluous.

Simplicity leads us to transparent acts and decisions

Simplicity leads us to transparent acts and decisions. It expresses itself when the person liberates themselves from items retained by desires, ambitions and vanities. It is a quality proper of the inner world, where the force of limiting oneself to the essential is known.

Even though its value is little known, simplicity is fundamental for the free manifestation of life. It conducts to unaffectedness and reveals what is immediate and primordial. Nevertheless, to be simple demands iron will, and implies renunciation to dated habits and deep-rooted vices.

The fraternal union

The fraternal union of lucid people available to service affirms itself in simplicity, and the oscillations of the current manner of human life must not deter their disposition nor serenity.

Well-directed and elevated thought

Besides simplicity, well-directed and elevated thought permits the cultivation of the best virtues and predisposes beneficial actions. To advance towards abundance, it is necessary to have faith, courage, perseverance and intrepidness, qualities that have as seeds positive and creative thought.

To build fraternity, it is necessary to discover the link between thought and work. The deepest truths of such important link reveal themselves when the person lives in the name of a greater union, of an integrative and impersonal love.

Thought oriented to the sacred

Thought oriented to the sacred dissolves boredom and brings renewing experiences. The one who dedicates themselves to the fraternal work of cooperation can always be before the companions of task as if it were for the first time.

An unaltered peace installs itself

There are no mistakes when, by cultivating inner silence the meaning of the events is perceived. The mutability of personal existence and the impermanence of all that is external are understood. And an unaltered peace installs itself. Thus, selfless effort becomes the harbinger of better days.

Article of reference: Jornal (Newspaper) O Tempo, of July 17, 2016
Name of the article: Simplicidade e pensamento elevado, chaves para a cooperação (Simplicity and elevated thought, keys to cooperation)
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