He waited for a sign

On top of a high peak, a pilgrim observes the valley. His eyes gazed at the silhouettes of the inhabitants of the region that unveiled before him.

In his hands, he protected a chalice of sacred nectar to be poured over the valley when those beings were ready to know Good.

He waited for a sign.

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A capacity of loving

In the past, another guardian of the chalice had seen arise in some points of the valley a light that revealed the presence of a capacity of loving, and he poured part of the nectar. The few that were able to receive it were raised to a fuller level of life.

There, before the pilgrim, trees were being planted, trees were being cut. Houses were being built, houses were being demolished. Caravans approached the valley, caravans moved away from it. All the life of the valley unfolded under its patient gaze. Very far, in the limits of the horizon, dark clouds were formed. Swift winds moved them with force, noisily, but not even the impending storm disturbed the pilgrim. Without moving from there, he waited for a sign.

The approximation of the bad weather led the inhabitants of the valley to try to protect themselves. Each one was zealous for what was convenient for them, without noticing that beside them were people in greater need. But in one of the smallest homes there pulsed a heart of a mother full of tenderness. Upon seeing an abandoned child, she took it, even without conditions of adequately sheltering her own children. Other residents of the valley, touched by what they saw, followed her example.

They became, on their turn, sowers of an uncommon state of being

In a little while willingness to do Good flourished. The nectar was then poured in greater amount. The winds changed their direction, and the sun filled the valley with its light.

At this moment, in which violence and conflicts assail the cities of the  whole world, it is our role to create within us and in the environment in which we are an adequate field for the seeds of a new way of life. Those who sincerely make an effort for this need to know that everything they do externally or internally must have as its goal to build the next stage or to facilitate its manifestation.

Let them try to do the right thing, without fearing to err. Who protects themselves out of fear cannot do anything right. Who resents a loss reveals they still have to overcome their own ambition.

Consciousness subsists beyond time, history and material life; it is free to raise a flight to its Dwelling. And we must know that the new is not in what we expect, but in the reality that from the depths of the being emerges at each instant, if we are receptive, attentive and fearless.

If we perceive the infinity of situations that indicate that superior life is the only option for us nowadays, and that everything converges to lead us to awaken to unprecedented states of consciousness, in which conflicts do not exist, we will see concretized a good part of the Divine Plan conceived for this world.

The waves of the sea come and go, but the ocean remains

We are now before the perspective of living times of glory, even amidst the disorder that is so much disseminated on the face of the Earth. A true brotherhood, formed in superior levels of existence, already makes itself known, while merely human relationships cease to satisfy aspirations. The waves of the sea come and go, but the ocean remains.

A great transformation is felt when we become aware that the place in which we must be is the one in which we already are, the conditions to advance are those that are presented to us, the people with which we must share the Path are the ones around us.

Book by Trigueirinho: Mensagens para sua transformação (Messages for your transformation)
Text extracted from the chapter: A perspectiva de viver tempos de glória em meio à desordem (The perspective of living times of glory amidst disorder)
Irdin Audio – Complete at: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 526 (Talks with Trigueirinho no. 526)