Megaearthquake and Tsunami of Japan/2011 – 1
Topic: Planetary Healing, Healing of Humanity

“Every ferocious movement of the Planet is a sign that something is not well”

(Message of the Virgin Mary of October 07, 2016)

Onda Japao

The time and the hour have come to face reality and not of wanting to hide it. Humanity is living its Judgment and this may weigh with many. But in this difficult moment for these regions of the planet may faith prevail, because in faith it is possible to regenerate all things and thus renew them. Live this cycle as the beginning of an Armageddon that is unknown to this humanity, which faces it for the first time.

We said in a previous cycle that incredible things would be seen; that moment has now come when Divine Justice will put in its correct place all that is perverted and disordered. This is why I ask you that there be no thought of complaint; let the Law express itself from the Universe, and do not stop it, do not try to modify it.

Each area of the planet will be purified; the world and its surface race must not go on as they are, as if nothing were happening. So that everything may be renewed, and a more responsible and reverent humanity may arise, prayer will be necessary, so that the foundations of the awakening and of harmony may come into being first in the heart and then in the consciousness.

It is time to face the reality that was and is generated from a place of injustice and of human indifference. Seek the Love of God that, full of Mercy, still waits to be poured out over all the souls that seek it wholeheartedly.

(Message of the Virgin Mary of January 28, 2017)

A more contemplative study of such a striking event

A more contemplative study of such a striking event, as may be this earthquake and tsunami that profoundly stirred the asleep and indifferent consciousness of humanity, can be instructive and liberating. This is due to the opportunity of being placed before strong situations and experiences, which are archetypes of all human soul on its path of purification, liberation, transcendence and of inner maturation. We are directly placed before the learning of greater Laws, which we normally fail to comply with, such as the Law of service, of detachment, of surrender, of renunciation, of compassion, of fraternity, and of so many others. In short, we are placed before the sublime Law of Love, which we have come to learn on this Earth: love for Life and all of its manifestations, love for the Creation, for the Creator and for His sublime Plan of Love for this planet.

The human option, in the exercise of its free will

As we have not opted for the path of love, in all of its unfoldments, we have to learn through the path of pain. This was not a cruel imposition of the Universe. This was the human option, in the exercise of its free will, which will be respected until it is finally transcended by the sublime Law of Love. This learning is the fundamental keynote of the impulse that the Divine Messengers bring to us, in their untiring divine mission of trying to instruct this humanity that has not always shown itself very receptive to the evolutionary plan designed for it and for the Kingdoms of Nature that share this Planet with it.

Then it is not about a mere historic-descriptive study of a natural even, so significant for all and so hard for those souls that directly participated in it, who, on behalf of the awakening of all of humanity, had to pay the high price of their lives. Let us pray for them and for all those who experienced similar situations, on the whole planet, and may we renew ourselves internally and externally, so as not to be caught unprepared!

“Each area of the planet will be purified. The world and its race of surface must not continue as they are, as if nothing were happening.” 

(Message of the Virgin Mary of January 28, 2017)

Earthquake and Tsunami of Japan

Anel de Fogo - Terremoto e Tsunami no Japao

  • March/2011. Japan suffers a very strong earthquake, which causes an immense tsunami. One of the most advanced nations in the world, in terms of technology, quakes violently, to the point of nearly facing a collapse, under the power of one of the five greatest earthquakes registered in the whole history of the Earth.
  • This Nation is on the bank of one of the most unstable geological regions of the planet – the Ring of Fire of the Pacific Ocean. The Ring of fire is a continuous fracture in the earthly crust that surrounds the great trench of the Pacific Ocean, between the western coast of the Americas and the Far East, and shelters an immense planetary chain of active violent volcanoes.
  • At 2:45 p.m. (local time) of March 11, at 130 km from the Japanese eastern coast, on the Pacific Ocean, a section of this great geological fail is on the verge of breaking. No one suspects what is about to happen.
  • At 2:46, at 32 km within the crust, the tectonic plaque of the Pacific imperceptibly slides under Japan. The massive rock seems not to advance, by the titanic pressure and resistance it suffers; it writhes and compresses itself, and the tension created in this impressive displacement accumulates in the system, until something suddenly breaks. The the inland sensors register it.
  • The seismic data of this colossal geotectonic event arrive at the National Earthquakes Control Center, in Tokyo. The figures they showed were so impacting that their first reading caused skepticism in the scientists and technicians present.
  • However, at 320 km North of Tokyo, the inhabitants of Sendai, one of the most seriously struck cities, were the first to feel the strong temblors that intensified, without interrupting. A state of awe and impotence begins to emerge in those present in this command center. “We could do nothing, not even move”. “The quakes persisted, as if they would not cease”. “The Earth decided to move and we had to move with it”
  • At Sendai Airport, 1.5 km inland, thereafter flooded by the tsunami, critical situations soon arose. The traffic was intense and the airplanes had to fly in circles, as they could not land.
  • At 2:49, in Tokyo, 370 km from the epicenter, the temblors were also strong enough to impress the seismologist chief of a Center of isolation, which functioned in a building designed to resist the greatest earthquakes that had hitherto happened,which should not have moved. Downtown, great buildings could be seen oscilating, before the awestruck eyes of people.
  • This topic will continue in Part 7 – Megaearthquake and Tsunami of Japan/2011 – II

The Topic of Planetary Healing will continue!


Onda Japao