The Light-Community New Earth, affiliated with Fraternity –International Humanitarian Federation (FIHF), serves every Wednesday, by prior arrangement, the rural community that lives in its surroundings. Each family receives as a donation items like clothing, furniture, household items, toys, food and baby outfits.
As the Light-Community has always received many donations, this flow was created, where what we receive and are not going to use must be refurbished, cleaned and passed on to other families in need.
In June, as part of the Saint Joseph Joint Effort, more than 500 items were delivered to homes in Gamboa, Farm and Alpine Valley, mainly blankets, warm clothes and mattresses, in an effort to alleviate the effects of the cold weather in the Mountain Region.
“It is always a joy when this movement is carried out because families cannot always look for what they need and when we go to meet them, it generates love and gratitude on both sides, because it shows us that we can always go further when we are together and it’s about love” express the members of the Light-Community.