The basic tests

In general, the being that is seeking the spiritual path lives the basic tests to be confirmed as a server of the work of God, getting into contact with Higher Laws and and being willing to live them. Their decision of following the path of ascension was taken and they will be helped to walk, depending on their purpose of continuing.

Nowadays, the one who candidates for the Divine Cause must be aware about fundamental points to tread the ascensional path. They are: upon walking on the path of Light, each step must disconnect them from the immaterial world they knew; the beings that need their help the most not always are what the appear to be, and prayer and the quest for one’s own origin will sustain them forever.

 The individual deals with reactions of their lower aspects

In general, the individual deals with reactions of their lower aspects that do not want to elevate and create all kinds of difficulties and excuses for not ascending. These aspects, created and nourished during tens of incarnations, claim their space and promise to fight to the end, for their desires, fruits of the illusion of the world, to be satisfied.

We know that each being who awakens, in different degrees, opens doors for many others beings to awaken, breaking bonds to matter and the chain of karma. Aspiration and faith must be the sustenance to continue.

Overcoming oneself

Following the route towards ascension, the individual must take into consideration that overcoming oneself has nothing to do with fighting, as fight would only create losers. To overcome oneself is to surrender to the Divine Laws for them to transform the being. It should also be considered that illusion acts only in those who delight with the offerings of the world. In order to step out of illusion, one must step out of delight; in order to step out of delight, one must forget oneself and to forget oneself, one must be open to meet the need of the others at each moment.


Once some stages are crossed on the path towards ascension, the individual knows that Light will always prevail and they have full trust in this. Nevertheless, fear shows and tries to paralyze their walk on each step. But where does it arise from? Fear is a form of non-love to express itself; where space for love is opened, fear makes itself present to prevent love from flowing. The person may with clarity perceive that their attachments generate fear, whether great or small, dense or subtle; if they are attachments, they will be a closed door for true Love, and an open door for fear.

In the times of tension and of planetary chaos that we are living, all attachments will be put to test and must be lovingly be unmasked and expelled from the Temple of the Heart. Those who free themselves by means of Love will be refreshed by the Fire of Spirit and will find the valor to move ahead on the path of ascension. The ones who are tested by fear will first find suffering and after the awareness and openness for purification, they will be able to liberate themselves from the paralyzing attachments, generators of fear.

In a world like ours, ruled by lie, which values the personal “dramas” that feed on the satisfaction of suffering and on the quest for self-fulfilling by means of vanity, fear finds hidden doors to enter. Because of this, lie must be banished from the aura of the being.

The Divine Energy heals all

Who seeks spiritual ascension must remember that the Divine Energy heals all this and withdraws the human beings from the state of obscurity in which they live. Where God is, only Love exists.

Article of reference: Jornal (Newspaper) O Tempo, of Oct 9, 2016
Name of the article in the newspaper: Chaves para trilhar o caminho da busca e da ascensão espiritual (Keys to tread the path of spiritual quest and ascension)
Irdin Audio: Crescer em amor
Complete audio:
Audio time range: 13’18” to 15’05”