Evolutionary path and of spiritual ascension

In more advanced stages of the evolutionary path and of spiritual ascension, the being has contact with true selfless life, through direct experience. This selfless living is not a simple act of charity, but it rather, little by little, begins to be the very expression of charity, when one totally forgets oneself in behalf of their fellow beings. It is to allow oneself to be supplied by God, who sees all and knows all, the person being ruled by Spiritual Laws until then unknown to them, where the Universe seems to move to meet the real needs that appear, where they become an instrument to supply these needs.

Thus true miracles begin to happen, to the extent that the person gets out of themselves and lives Christ in their fellow beings. While the doors open for Grace to act, a greater flow of cosmic energy can enter the life of the beings that receive that which already belonged to them, but to which they had no access as they did not open the doors correctly.

The being takes with themselves the prayer and teachings

For the consummation of this state, the being takes with themselves the simplest and most universal prayer and teachings of the Word of God, but some of those who begin to awaken stemming from their example fulfill a human tendency of transferring the object of their devotion to the one they can see materialized before their eyes. Thus, some begin to see this more advanced being as a holy person, as a miracle person, and there are still those who want to become dependent on them, so that they can use them as crutches not to fulfill as they must their own path of ascension.

Tread incessantly the path of humility

At this point, the evolved being must resume the lesson they learned when they were still taking the fist steps and tread incessantly the path of humility. Now, without it they could not have reached this point, but human pride does not let peace prevail in any part of the ascensional path. It disguises, hides and even becomes subtle, but does not disappear, being always ready to enter in scene at the least sign of carelessness.

The one who has reached this point and does not want to be involved in the net of their own pride anymore complies with the exercise of transforming each thought, feeling or action they have had in selfless action in behalf of their fellow beings – an action through which they “decrease” before them so that the Lord may prevail. As a ceremony for the current days, besides prostrating before God, the apostle symbolically prostrates before creatures, through selfless actions, knowing internally they are prostrating before God.

Does good

These actions would be considered humiliating for the vast majority of people, but for those who have ascended it is their act of penance which never wounds them on any level and always does good to another brother or sister. Nevertheless, the only nucleus that will suffer time and again from these acts of penance will be their ego, which for moments will feel so big, that only by means of these symbolic prostrations will it resize itself and will close all the doors to involution, always at stalk to make it big.

This being must watch with absolute vigilance not to be assailed during the night by their own egoistic aspects, because Grace, which could find in them a channel to descend, would otherwise be prevented from acting.


Article of reference: Jornal (Newspaper) O Tempo, of Nov 13, 2016
Name of the article in the newspaper: Humility as a condition for the expression of the love of God
Irdin Audio: Humildade, a rainha sem reino, e outras reflexões (Humility, the queen without a kingdom and other reflections)
Complete audio: http://www.irdin.org.br/acervo/detalhes/12911
Audio time range: 30’25” thru 32’10”