The middle path

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According to the Greek sage Plato, there are two main diseases of the soul: one is madness, the other is ignorance. Excessive pleasures and pains are serious factors of imbalance. The middle path is found by using sobriety, discernment and spirit of service. There is no other alternative, for the time being, on the planet Earth. To experience pleasures or intense sufferings, as miserably experience most human beings of today, leads to madness in due time; thus end nearly everyone, after insisting in several incarnations on such false precepts.

Still according to Plato, there are people considered perverted but who in reality are mad. As we can perceive inner vision does not always coincide with medical, psychological or sociological concepts.

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Forces to repel

It is knowns that no one is ignorant or vicious because they want, or for the reasons that earthly science supposedly know. If the human being presents such characteristics, this happens due to negative dispositions of certain earthly material elements that have entered in their composition in the time they were formed. Still according to Plato, in the common life of nearly everyone, “man, in fact, has vice as an enemy, but vice occurs to them notwithstanding”. Thus, the inner self can suffer great limitations in its action in the three-dimensional world due to the left consciousness, or rational side of humanity. The human intellect has matured enough to perceive these things. Thus, it will find forces to repel from itself what it considers necessary to avoid.

To touch truth

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“But it was from the upper side that the constructor God suspended our head and gave to the whole body its vertical position”, said Plato. But the human being went out-law from the beginning: they made use only of the lower part of their being, even wearing it out. According to Plato, “When a man has cultivated in themselves love for science and for true thoughts, when, of all of their faculties, they have exercised mainly in immortal and divine things, such a man, if they come to touch truth, without a doubt it is a necessary man, who, to the extent that human nature can participate in immortality, can enjoy it wholeheartedly”.

External senses were molded from the influence of environments through which human life passed during the formation of their tridimensional being, a part that should live on the Earth. Superficial is, therefore, the capacity of perception of these senses. All of their organs were made according to an objective consciousness, and therefore need to be transformed and definitely supplied with a capacity of internalization.

The inner world

The senses will enable the human being to perceive the inner world and thus, they will begin to recognize their own condition of spirit. People who know that the spirit has a most subtle body must be given the opportunity of perfecting inner perception to the utmost. Pure Entities or Energies only gradually will present themselves without form to human perception. They will only abandon forms when humans cease to feed expectations. It is an evolutionary process, subtly educational, through which every concept created in the tridimensional world concerning Instruction falls apart. Education is not the transmission of theoretical and formal knowledge, but a help and a stimulus for the inner being to approach, through their own experience and intimate movement, increasingly deep realities.

Article of (newspaper) “O Tempo”: O começo da liberdade verdadeira começa no controlar dos sentidos. (The beginning of true freedom stems from the control of the senses, in free translation).
Date of publication: September 23, 2018
Text extracted from the book “A Nave de Noé”. (Pg: 110, 111, 63, 64, 65), “Noah’s Vessel”.
Irdin Audio – Complete at: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 454


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