The path

The evolutionary path narrows as it is trodden and brings to the individual increasingly subtle tests. When they present themselves, the pilgrim can feel blessed, because it is a sign that they will be risen to another plane of consciousness.

Those who are managing to contact higher levels of consciousness are the ones who are developing the right-side consciousness after having surrendered the free will to their own Soul, to their own Overself. To surrender free will does not mean to become an automaton in the hands of strange forces, but rather to cease to live blindly.

Listen to the audio of Trigueirinho about the theme icone-audio

Donation of self, key to live in the Cosmos

Cosmos - estrega de si

When the human being makes their choices based on experiences they have accumulated, they cannot know what direction they are taking. But when they surrender their free will, they renounce to walk in darkness and begins another kind of path: that of knowledge of the higher evolutionary laws, emanated from the Cosmos, not from the human mind.

Those who have made this renunciation and aspire to serve enter new patterns of conduct, which lead them to use all of their time (even their free hours) for the benefit of tasks comprised in a vast Evolutionary Plan that they gradually get to know. Renunciation and service are basic for the other aspects of this plan to be gradually presented to them.

Some seek to attain this discipline and aspiration, but use their own time for the benefit of themselves or of those who are connected to them by different kinds of earthly bonds. One of the steps they need to take, according to the new planetary patterns, is to busy themselves  primordially of the unconditional service to the Evolutionary Plan, regardless of preferences for people, concepts, dogmas, races or situations.

Inner freedom

A part of the new life that will be installed over the planet will be the entrance of humanity in a state of purer energy that will give it more freedom to act. This freedom is already available to some of us and in this cyclic moment the means can already be found to attain it. Those who choose it seek to guide their life through knowledge of the cosmic laws that rule the universe.

As is known, waters sleep when they are not moved. Analogously, it is necessary for us to give permission so that our inner freedom may awaken and live not only in the depth of the being, but also express itself externally.

Cosmic Laws

The first Law that rules the Cosmos in its entire dimension and infinite extension is the Law of Love. From it other Cosmic Laws emanate, such as those which govern the galaxies and the  planets. They emanate according to the Evolutionary Plan of the Universes, elaborated so that the stages may develop on each planet in accordance with the conjuncture in which it finds itself.

“You are worthy when you give something and, if you do not give anything, you receive even less”. This law is also applicable to all the plans and all evolutionary scales. Without it the other laws could not be ruled nor applied. The Cosmos gives when there is sincere and authentic surrender in its children.

If we fulfill the Law of Love, the First Law, we will have everything else in addition. If with love we accept the Law of the force itself that will uplift us spiritually, we will enter the ascending scale that awaits us. Love can do everything.

Love can do everythin

Article of (newspaper) “O Tempo”: Nossa permissão é necessária para que a liberdade desperte (“Our permission is necessary for freedom to awaken”, in free translation)
Date of publication: August 19, 2018
Text extracted from the book by Trigueirinho: “Padrões de Conduta para a Nova Humanidade” (Patterns of Conduct for the New Humanity, in free translation), pages 7, 8, 9, 13, 15 and 17.
Irdin Audio – Complete at: