The energy of Love

The energy of Love – so little known and so mysterious in its deepest expression, if manifested with purity by some person, can allow another person to approach or contact their own inner nucleus, their soul.

Specially in this epoch, this energy of Love swiftly conducts the individuals to meet this inner nucleus, which can take place by means of situations that are pleasant or not for the consciousness. The work of the energy of Love is not to feed emotions, but to effectively transfigure what is touched by it. Thus, what is limited expands, dissolving itself in what is superior, which is found in its own essence.

This impersonal energy works by expanding and broadening that which is restricted and limited. It is like a powerful flow that comes and floods everything, and immerses everything in its vastness.

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Until Love is understood and fully manifested

Until Love is understood and fully manifested in the life of this planet, there is still a long path that must be trodden. It is the path that the very planet must tread in order to, at last, come to express an image that may be the face of Christ. Just like the Sun, which deeply manifests the Christic energy and awakens in each one gratitude and reverence for the energy that is brought in its rays, also the Earth has an energy pattern of cosmic Love to express. This Love, so distant and opposed to the reality of human life on this planet, is latent in the aura of each particle that constitutes it.

The external manifestation of Christic energy by means of a human being came to establish it definitely in the spiritual and physical planes. The blood of Christ Jesus, poured for the redemption of the whole planet, symbolizes the penetration of this energy in the planes of physical life and the consolidation, on Earth, of the flame of Cosmic Love, as well as the full superior existence.

Break the chains of material illusion

So that the human being can break the chains of material illusion in which they live, it is necessary that they transcend the mental predisposition of having the physical-material world as reference; it i salso essential not to base the spiritual path they need to tread on phenomena. A Christian mystic of the sixteenth century, Saint John of the Cross, used to say: “…in ordre for you to possess everything, do not want to possess anything; in order to come to be everything, do not want to be anything; in order to come to know everything, do not want to know anything; in order to come to what you do not know, you must go where you do not know…”.

The whole Universe is perceived by the human being as the page of an infinitely voluminous book; enough with turn it and another page appears, with another energy configuration. But every book is still the creation of who wrote it, who is not seen nor perceived, who is not contained by the book, but who contains it.

Sand slides quickly in the clock of the cycles

Sand slides quickly in the clock of the cycles, indicating that the times draw near. Times of jubilation and of revelation; times of glory and splendor for those who have been able to remain faithful to the legacy they have received from the Cosmos. But they will also be times of struggles and tribulations for those who let themselves be deluded by attachment and by identification with material life and its goods.

In order to reach the real, one must loosen what is temporary. The eternal contains the temporal, but the latter must be transcended so that divine fullness may be thoroughly revealed.


Book by Trigueirinho: Mensagens para sua transformação (Messages for your transformation)
Text extracted from the chapter: O relógio dos ciclos prenuncia uma nova vida (The clock of the cycles forecasts a new life)
Irdin Audio – Complete at: Conversas com Trigueirinho nº 162  (Talks with Trigueirinho no. 162)