Let us listen to what the instructor Trigueirinho has to say to us concerning this theme still so obscure – as it is of such little interest for the human consciousness, in general – of the interruption of the trajectory of a soul, which a long time before incarnating, already meticulously prepares the whole of its trajectory of life, of service, of experience and learning that it comes to fulfill here on Earth. This lack of understanding, this indifference before a great spiritual reality that creates, enlivens and sustains this material reality, and that urges to be more recognized and lived by humanity, ends up leading a great part of humanity to remain in ignorance and thus to transgress basic Laws of the Creation.

Many of the consequences and of the unexplainable facts that are lived today in humanity are generated from a great world imbalance: the practice of abortions of innocent souls, the uncontrolled slaughtering of animals for human consumption and the wars, which are a consequence of a world sin that has grown and increased in the last three years. (Mensage of Mary, November 12th, 2016)

After having presented the theme of abortion from a fairly softened perspective, considering the real graveness of this insane human procedure (see ABORTION – PART 1), Christ, in this Message , returns to the theme in a more incisive way, taking to Himself the cause and the pains of the “unborn”. And He affirms categorically: It is an extremely grave failure to cause the loss of life, the opportunity of living of many souls that should arrive in this world in order to relieve it of its own suffering; to relieve it by means of the love and the light that all of these essences should bring from the celestial universe.

He intercedes for us, the blameful, but He exhorts us, with His Heart of Love, to truly pray with the heart, so that the Justice of God may be light upon returning to the life of all those who, falsely, proclaim the absence of life on the unborn; and also to the life of those human beings who, by ignorance, commit these grave outrages that hurt the Creative Heart of the Father. And He passes us a severe admonition, of a loving a firm Father, trying to save the child on the edge of an abyss, with the divine power of His Word: “If the roots of this evil are not cut as they must be, torn out from the soil, greater consequences will weigh in the mind and in the heart of all who commit this outrage against the life that God has given to the creatures”.

And having toughly awakened us to the weight of the Law that hangs over the destiny of all who transgress it, He returns to His Mercy: The Source of My Mercy has the power of remediating and healing all of these offenses.  May this Marathon be a moment for you to become truly aware of the time that you live as humanity and civilization. […] While the world, without realizing it, submerges itself in hell for the gravity of the unconscious decisions that it makes in favor of taking the life of My little ones, I ask you in times of emergency, to pray with the inner strength of the heart more than with your mouths.  I ask you to pray so that the sacred verb of prayer may be elevated towards the Universe and God the Father may listen, by means of My Offer, to your request of help and of redemption.

The theme of ABORTION will continue.

Audio: Irdin – Conversas com Trigueirinho (Talks with Trigueirinho) n. 269 (7’10’’ thru 10’20’’)
Complete áudio at: www.irding.org.br/acervo/detalhes