A group of volunteers from Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil, conducted on Saturday, December 10, a sewing group service in the House of Light on the Hill, affiliated to the Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation. The activity, which will be renewed on the second weekend of each month, will include the making of curtains, covers for mattresses and sheets.

The team of collaborators is composed by eight members of the group of prayer “Sacred Heart of Jesus”, which belongs to the Network-of-Light of Minas Gerais.

Walma Gomide, the coordinator of the group, commented that the idea of following a monthly rhythm in the House of Light on the Hill arose spontaneously when the group was seeking a place where to serve. “It was a day of gathering of our group, we meet every Friday to pray and listen to a CD by Trigueirinho, when we all felt that we could conduct a service in the House of Light on the Hill. We communicated our intention and we were very warmly welcome”, said Walma.

The volunteers will have as a task the making of 30 curtains, with a pair of ribbons each one, for the new house of convalescence, as well as the making of 50 special covers for mattresses and kits of sheets.

The House of Light on the Hill debuted, in October of this year, its new unit of Reception and Healing, which is formed by the unit of Reception and the unit of Healing (doctor’s office Ward and house of recovery).