
Suffering, though not a part of the Purpose of God, is inherent to the human personality due to its connections with the past and to the exercise of desire not elevated by higher goals yet.

The energy typical of the soul is Joy

The energy typical of the soul is Joy, a state of being completely unified with the Purpose of Creation. Circumstantially, nevertheless, while the individual is alive, suffering and  pain, in their various aspects, are  part of its life. Understanding its causes to the possible extension and removing or transmuting the elements that vitalize and preserve them should be one of the goals visualized by the beings.

When humanity manages to raise its own desire to higher and evolutionary goals, which transcend the normal and common necessities created by imagination or by conditioning of the past and, especially, when it manages to dispense with what is superfluous, sophisticated and palliative, human suffering will diminish to the point permitted by the cyclic law.

An important point directly connected to this subject

An important point directly connected to this subject is the basic principle of the law of cause and effect: as long as we provoke suffering, we will have it in our lives. In this particular, the fact that humanity still slaughters animals brings to it incalculable consequences.

The ingestion of products of animal origin

The ingestion of products of animal origin – in special of meat – produces inertia in the physical cells, preventing the human potential, still not revealed, to manifest fully.

Suffering and pain have spiritual, moral and physical functions

Suffering and pain have spiritual, moral and physical functions for the human being. Their spiritual and evolutionary value lies in the fact that humans are led by them to concentrate their mental forces in discovering the reason that made them have suffering and pain, and be, with this helped to desidentify themselves from their own human ego, a nucleus full of vices and of habits to be uprooted.

From the moral point of view, we can say that there is not in humans a mature and firm character if they have not faced stages of suffering and of pain.

From the evolutionary and spiritual point of view, suffering and pain, when accepted, are factors that impel to progress; when, nevertheless, they are rejected by the superficial layers of the being, they do not produce this effect and begin to constitute only a purification of residues of negative actions, feelings and thoughts.

An important task of action of pain lies in a subtle stage

An important task of action of pain lies in a subtle stage of development of the consciousness in which suffering passes through a metamorphosis and appears as a feeling of comfort never before experienced, not even inside the greatest happiness that may have been within the reach of the being: they learn to perceive that the divine Joy exists in any situation and that it can become still more visible at moments of which it might appear to be absent.