There are degrees in the manifestation of evolutionary life, which tends to subtilization.

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1. Human life, which has the ego as the nucleus that conducts its manifestation.

In it, a mistake is like a valve that restricts the flux of energy that is poured over the individual; a rebellion and a resentment block the manifestation of divine life. Obedience and serenity are necessary. To resist what is know to be correct is a greater deviation than perpetrating ignorance.

2. Life of aspiration, which comprises the phase in which the consciousness seeks to be focused on the soul level.

Flor divina

In order to get to know one’s own inner reality, it is necessary for man to learn to be with himself and to find the essence of solitude.

An individual is ready to live in balance when they are capable of staying in harmony with their own being, when to be alone does not frighten them. Authentic solitude is a state of disconnection of the bonds that limit the ascension of consciousness, without which freedom is not attained.

Discovery of solitude is fundamental for the being to be able to penetrate the essence of divine life, in which are found profound aspects of union that, in order to be know, require from them readiness to overcome their concepts about relationships with their fellow beings, no matter how sublime these relationships are.

3. Life of service, in which the inner energy pervades the being in such a way as to have them capable of forgetting themselves.

Thus, the glorification and divinization of its own energy and, by radiation, of everything they contact. As each being gradually perceives their inner task, certain bands of energy can be manifested in planetary life. Like strings of a harp, each one of these bands has its characteristic vibration. The harmony of a song emerges from the correct arrangement of the notes, but, in order for it to be heard, the instruments must be prepared.

4. Divine life, a stage in which the being no longer seeks learning, nor service for its evolution, or of someone else, it is a living manifestation of the Law.

It is pure energy in action.

Divine life teaches through example and not through words that are not confirmed in acts. It aims at nothing. As a simple flower, it flourishes strengthened by the correct putting into practice of what is available to it.

What would a being contribute to the planet if they were lord of great wisdom, but if they used it only for themselves? One rule to follow for spiritual evolution was, is and always will be self-forgetfulness – which is progressive.

The same tendency that leads the being to covet recognition, position and prestige, leads them to feel a certain pleasure in undergoing their own pains and justifying their own weaknesses. This is a degree of primary illusion, which must be consciously repelled. One must look with reserve at a philosophy that certifies to someone a liberation without indicating to them that, in order to attain it, it is necessary to transcend the great prison: the ego and its attachments.

The divine energy manifested in the past in restricted, select spaces today knocks on everyone’s door. Readiness is necessary to welcome it. From the most elevated civilization of this planet, there rises the flame of the divine life. It runs on invisible channels of the other internal centers of the planet. It is perfected in them by the vibration that further enhances it, to then penetrate matter, stimulating it to ascension.

Divine life does not have a motherland. It has no known origin, nor a goal to reach. It is sheer fulfillment of the being. It is the rejoicing of the creation manifested in the cosmic material existence.

Text extracted from Trigueirinho’s book “O Visitante” (“The Visitor”, in free translation), pages 121, 122, 123
Irdin Audio – Complete at: Dúvidas próprias desta época – nº 2


Flor divina